Finn rolled off Liv and looked over at her, finding her in full scowl.

“Liv, I’m sorry. I thought—”

“A freaking starter pistol?” she demanded, cutting off his apology. “Christ, they should warn people. This isn’t the goddamned Olympic games.”

Her words were annoyed, but her voice and hands were shaking. Damn. If anything could set off a panic attack for Liv, it was this. Ten years ago, this would’ve had him in full freak-out, too. He grabbed her hands and squeezed. “Yeah, a warning would’ve been nice. You okay?”

She flexed her fingers in his hold and took a deep breath. “I’m all right. Just give me a sec. I think it’s just an adrenaline rush making me shake.”

He helped her to sit up and continued to rub her cold hands. “I’m sorry if I made it worse. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just reacted.”

“Not your fault.” She gave him a quivery smile. “This anxiety thing can be a pain in the ass. But seeing you go all Rambo might’ve been worth it.”

He sniffed. “You mean going all paranoid.”

She tucked her knees beneath her and reached out to brush some dirt off his shirt. “No. That wasn’t being paranoid. It was being brave. You protected me.”

He shrugged, still keeping hold of her other hand. “That’s my job.”

She pinned him with a look. “No, it’s not. You’re not on duty right now. I wouldn’t expect or want you to take a bullet for me.”

The words dug into his skin, burrowed in deep. He didn’t want that kind of pass from her. He reached up and cupped her chin. “You need to expect more of me then.”

She frowned, big brown eyes holding even bigger questions.

“I know you don’t need a protector. But if you’re with me, you’re getting one,” he said, his voice coming out rough. “I’m never going to be that guy who left you vulnerable again. I can’t offer much these days, but I can promise you that. I’ve got your back, Livvy. I can keep you safe.”

She looked down and wet her lips. “You’re making me forget to have a panic attack.”




She leaned forward and put her face inches from his. “Don’t make me be the one to kiss first this time.”

His thoughts stuttered, ran into each other. “What?”

“Not asking twice.”

He didn’t need her to. Not letting himself think about how this was a bad idea or how they’d made an agreement, he shifted his knees wide, grabbed Liv’s belt loop, and guided her to him. She slid into his space like she was meant to be there, and he took her face in his hands, closing his eyes and bringing her lips to his.

The minute they connected, every muscle in his body softened, like a snake that had been coiled for hours and finally let loose to strike. Her mouth was warm against his, eager, and sweet from the ice cream they’d eaten after lunch. She parted her lips on a groan and he took advantage, slipping his tongue against hers and deepening the kiss.

She gripped his shirt, shifted her legs to straddle his hips, and gently pushed back on him. He let her guide him back down to the grass. He was used to taking the lead with women, and she was letting him control the kiss, but he liked that she was just as hungry as he was. More. More. More. The word was a silent chant between both of them.

He slipped his hand around her and pressed her chest to his, loving all that soft femininity against him and the heat of her. He dragged his hand up to the back of her neck, murmuring her name against her lips like a prayer. He could do this forever.

“On your left!”

The shout startled him out of his erotic plans, and Liv broke away from the kiss, turning her head toward the voice. A group of joggers came pounding by on the running path next to them, their paper numbers flapping in the wind, and their attention on the sprawled couple making out in full view of everyone. Some expressing their disapproval. Some smiling. Most just gawking.

“On your right!” Liv called out and waved. “Lower right.”

Finn closed his eyes and let his head fall back to the grass, laughter rumbling through him.

Liv flattened her hands against his chest once the group was gone and whispered, “Hey, Batman.”