She pressed her fingers over the spot, rubbed the now-smooth edges.

Gibson noticed what she was doing and placed his hand over hers, squeezed.

Samantha was here. Now she was back.

And so was her smile.

Her grandmother might not approve of what she was about to do to Gibson, but she’d definitely be happy to know that after being lost for so long, she’d finally found her way back home.

She let go of the railing, grabbed the supplies, and then she was easing her way inside Gibson. He didn’t fight. He didn’t resist. His body was hers. Her heart his. She reached around him, stroking his cock as she rocked the dildo inside him slowly, dragging out the pleasure for them both, absorbing the low, sexy sounds he made and letting the need build inside her again. She couldn’t remember ever feeling more in tune with another person. They moved as one, their bodies joined in a way that most couples would never experience, but it felt exactly right for them. This. This was what they’d both been waiting for all their lives. Freedom. To be who they were, to just be.

She picked up the pace, the need rocketing toward fever pitch. And the man who’d fought to keep his desires in the dark for so long begged his mistress for harder, faster, more, for everything, all under the gleaming sunshine, where there was no place to hide.

Yes to more. Yes to this. Yes to everything.

Before long they were both shouting into the wind, scaring the birds that had roosted in a nearby tree, and calling each other’s name like an


The flapping of wings filled the air as they both tipped over into orgasm and soared together. She gripped Gib’s waist and pressed her face to his back, feeling his strength, the power of their connection, the sound of his heartbeat as she let herself float back to earth.

This man.

“That was . . . wow,” she whispered.

He reached behind him and palmed the back of her head, his fingers gentle in her hair. “Guess we finally pulled the long straw, huh?”

She smiled against his skin. “Yeah. We did.”

Maybe the universe didn’t owe anyone anything.

But sometimes, it paid up in full.

Don’t miss


A Pleasure Principle novel by Roni Loren

Available soon from Berkley Trade

Keep reading for a sneak peek!

“I’m going to wrap my fingers in your hair and slide my other hand up your thigh. You have to be quiet for me. We can’t let anyone know.”

Marin Rush paused in the dark hallway of Harker Hall, her tennis shoes going silent on the shiny linoleum and the green Exit signs humming softly in the background. She didn’t dare move. She’d been on the way to grab a soda and a snack out of the vending machine. Her caffeine supply had run low and watching participants snore in the sleep lab wasn’t exactly stimulating stuff. But that silk-smooth male voice had hit her like a thunderclap, waking up every sense that had gone dull with exhaustion.

She’d assumed she was the only one left in the psychology building at this hour besides the two study subjects in the sleep lab. It was spring break and the classrooms and labs were supposed to be locked up—all except the one she was working in. That’s what the girl she was filling in for this week had told her. But there was no mistaking the male voice as it drifted into the hallway.

“I bet you’d like being fucked up against the wall. My cock pumping in you hard and fast.”

Holy. Shit. Marin pressed her lips together. Obviously two other people thought they were alone, too. Had students snuck into the building to get it on? Or maybe it was one of the professors. Oh, God, please don’t let it be a professor. She should turn around right now and go back to Professor Roberts’s office. Last thing she needed was to see one of her teachers in some compromising position. She would die of mortification.

But instead of backing up, she found herself tilting her head to isolate where the voice was coming from, and her feet moved forward a few steps.

“Yeah, you like that. I know. I bet you’re wet for me right now just thinking about how it would feel. Maybe I should check. Keep your hands against the wall.”

A hot shiver zipped through Marin, making every part of her hyperaware.