She was glad the drive to the Ranch took a while because she needed that time to get herself in the right headspace. When Gibson had called his safe word, it’d taken everything she had to continue on with the scene. This was a guy who never safed out. Panic had been all over his face. But he’d told her what he needed, and she was going to give him that even if it had made her gut wrench to see him so distressed. Physical pain she had no problem with. Even a dose of fear. The sadist in her loved dancing along that edge. But honest panic was altogether different. She knew what that felt like, didn’t wish it on anyone. It felt like . . . dying. But he’d told her what he needed. They’d made a deal. She would be strong so that he could be, too.

Tonight, they both had to fight for each other.

Pass or fail. There was no in between.

They were going to set the whole thing on fire and hope to survive it.

Time to strike the match.

Chapter 14

Gibson had settled into a near-meditative state by the time the SUV slowed to a stop. Sam had ignored him the whole way but had played with the vibrator speed based on the tempo of whatever song was on the radio. He loved that she could manage to make him feel invisible yet tease him at the same time. It kept him focused on her and held his body at a simmer instead of boiling over. He couldn’t think about what was next, only what was now. But as soon as he realized they’d arrived, his mind began to race ahead again.

Sam turned off the ignition, and he fought hard not to open his eyes. He wanted to see her so badly, to ground himself with the sight of her face. But he managed not to look. The sound of fabric sliding along the seat hit his ears. “Still with me, sub?”

He cleared his throat, trying to find his voice after an hour of not speaking. “Yes, mistress.”

“Good. Pull down your shorts and spread your knees.”

The request wasn’t what he’d expected, but he did as he was told. He fumbled with his shorts, working them over his erection and then slid them down to his ankles. He parted his knees and leaned back, trying to stay calm for her.

Warm fingers touched his aching cock, and he almost leapt off the seat at the sudden stimulation. “Unh.”

“Hush. I’m going to get rid of the rings. Don’t you dare come.”

He tipped his head back and gripped the edge of the seat as she lubed him up again to slide the silicone rings off. Even that simple touch seemed like an earthquake to his system. He gritted his teeth, stomach muscles clenching, and the vibrator kicked on to a low hum. No. No. No. The rings moved over his engorged head and her fingertips grazed the slit. He cried out and his hips jerked. There was no helping it. His body gave up the fight and all the build up of the last hour went rushing through him like a tsunami. He grabbed his cock, trying to prevent the inevitable. But his erection spasmed in his fist and hot jets of his release weren’t far behind.

“Fuck. Fuck.” He cried out, and unable to stop the instinct, he jerked himself, stroking hard and riding the orgasm, gasping as he came with such force that he was sure he’d hit the sunroof. “Oh, shit. Shit. I’m sorry. Shit.”

He was huffing breaths and sputtering apologies when Sam finally spoke again. “No goddamn control.”

“I’m sorry, mistr

ess. I—”

“Clean your hand,” she said, no sympathy in her voice.


“Lick your mess off yourself and pull up your shorts.”

Coming too soon was humiliating. He hadn’t done that since the day he’d lost his virginity. And having to clean himself up only added to that indignity. He had no idea if anyone nearby could see him, but that base part of him stirred at the command. That darker part woke up. He cleaned his hand. And tugged his boxers on again.

“Good boy,” Sam said, husky desire in her voice. “Now when we get out of the car, I’m going to strip you down fully, put a collar on you, and get you ready to walk into a room of people.”

His lungs stopped moving. The reminder that they weren’t alone was like a Mack truck to his chest. Wham! “Mistress . . .”

“I don’t want to hear it. You are mine right now. People are going to watch you take my whip. They’re going to see that plug in your ass. And they’re going to see you beg. Then, if I think you’ve earned it, I’m going to fuck you for all to see. I’m not going to leave any doubt who you belong to.”

“Shit.” He breathed out the word, his blood rushing through his ears. His spent dick twitched anew at the thought of Sam taking him over, whipping him. But that there’d be an audience sent his stomach plummeting.

There was a long silence and he could feel her eyes on him.

“Tell me what’s going through your mind right now. No filter,” she commanded.

“I . . .” He wanted to back out. It was right there. He wanted to say the word. Red! Red! Red! His mind was demanding it. But he couldn’t let the fear win. Would. Not. He swallowed hard. “Bind me, mistress.” He forced the words out past a throat that felt three times narrower all of a sudden. “Please.”
