“I’d already planned on making a stop there. I was headed that way when I hit debris on the service road and shredded my tire. And guess what? With all the commotion of the cops hauling you guys to the squad cars, the clerk comped everything I had in my basket. So nice of him, don’t you think?”

Gibson sent her a sharp look but then turned away and stayed focused on the road until he pulled into the makeshift driveway next to the darkened farmhouse.

Once again, that wasn’t a no or a safe word. Sam charged on, her heartbeat thumping against her throat. “Tell me your hard limits, Gib.”

He turned his head slowly this time, something dangerous flashing in his eyes. Warning. Don’t do this, Sam.

But she wasn’t stopping unless he said red. “Tell me.”

After a long pause he said, “Nothing public.”

The words sounded like he’d had to force them from his lips, like their jagged edges had torn his flesh on the way out.

She could feel the shame there. He hated admitting that sore spot. In Gib’s mind, a hard limit would be a weakness. “What else?”

“I don’t have any more.”

She lifted a brow. “Surely there’s more than that.”

He turned away, stared out into the darkness. “Not with you.”

The three simple words hit her full force. I trust you. That’s what those words meant. The hugeness of that responsibility wasn’t lost on her. The list of things she could do to him was long and dangerous. And a man like him, one who didn’t want to safe word, who wanted to prove how much he could take, made it even more risky. But he trusted that she wouldn’t push him too far.

He shouldn’t be so confident in that. She had her own lines she wouldn’t cross. But she had a feeling Gibson had no idea how far out her boundaries could be. And this was a man who needed to be pushed.

She let go of his hand, undid her seat belt, and angled her body toward him. “Look at me and listen good, Andrews.”

He turned to meet her gaze, a hard set to his expression, like he was steeling himself for something, erecting the walls that would keep her out during whatever happened next.

“When we go inside, you’re mine. You are going to pay me back for the shit you stirred up at the store. Do you understand?”

Something dark simmered in his eyes. Challenge, yes. But also, anticipation. Desire. “Yes, mistress.”

“But if we’re walking in there with no limits on the table, I need your promise that you’ll safe word if something goes too far. You trust me, but I need to be able to trust you. Being hardheaded about a safe word puts me at risk. And you don’t want that, do you, Gib?”

“Of course not,” he said quietly, but his gaze flicked toward the darkness again. “I promise.”

Lie. He wasn’t going to safe word. He was humoring her.

She took a deep, calming breath and pressed something on the dash. “Unfasten your jeans and shove them down. Show yourself to me.”

At that, his attention jumped back to her.


The car was still running, the music a thudding hum in the background. But the quickening of his breath was hard to miss. He unbuckled his seat belt and followed her instructions. He still wasn’t wearing underwear, and the hardening state of his cock was quite a sight when he shoved his jeans to his knees, his shaft jutting proudly from the dark thatch of hair at the base. She smiled. That hadn’t just happened. Someone had been getting turned on for a while. Had it been the mention of Viv’s, of knowing what she had in the bag in the back?

“Touch yourself for me.” She kept her voice firm but cajoling. “I want to see how hard that pretty cock can get.”

Gibson’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and he put his hand around his erection. He rubbed his thumb over the tip, drawing a bit of fluid there, and then stroked down his length. The sight was fucking gorgeous, even in the dim light the moon was offering. That big hand around his thick erection, the skin flushed and tight.

This guy was all man—beautiful, wonderful, sexy maleness.

Her focus slid to what she’d pressed on the dashboard. Gibson had closed his eyes, getting lost to the slow strokes of his hand, so he didn’t see what she grabbed. But when she had it solidly in her hand, she flicked his thigh with her other hand.

Gibson’s eyes popped open. She raised the round, red-hot cigarette lighter in her hand. “What’s this doing in here? Haven’t seen one of these in years.”

Gibson eyed the device, instinctively leaning back a little, his stroking hand going still. “Got it with the car because I used to smoke. Quit a few years ago.”