“Maybe I did.”

“Good.” Devon unhooked the button of Hunter’s jeans. “But don’t worry, we don’t have to go that far tonight if—”

Hunter silenced the next words with another kiss, letting him know exactly what he thought of that plan. When he broke away from the kiss, he looked down at him. “No. We’ve waited long enough. I’m all yours—however you want me.”

Dev’s gaze held his, and in that one look, Hunter saw what he’d been seeing in his own reflection for years. He hadn’t been the only one suffering, hadn’t been the only one with a broken heart. Dev grabbed Hunter’s arm and led him into the bedroom.

Somehow they both sensed that words were no longer needed. They did manage to slow down some once they got into the bedroom, undressing each other with reverent, searching hands, kissing along the paths of exposed skin as they went. And Devon discreetly pulled supplies from his wallet before kicking his pants out of the way. But he tossed the packets on the side table like they’d get to those later, like there was no rush. But there was still a frantic current to everything for both of them, this pounding need to strip down all the barriers, erase all those years of separation, be with each other like they should have from the start. Unlike last time, Hunter had no qualms about what tonight could mean or how it would go—only anticipation. In his world of everything feeling wrong, he’d finally found his way back to what felt right.

Devon guided Hunter to the bed between kisses, and Hunter could feel the power shift between them. Devon was taking the reins, showing him the way without making him feel like some awkward virgin. He put his hands on Hunter’s shoulders and eased him onto his back before climbing onto the bed with him. Skin pressed against skin, hot desire wrapping around them and pumping through Hunter’s blood, as their mouths joined again. God, Hunter had kissed his fair share of people but never had he wanted to get lost in it like this, like kissing wasn’t a prelude but a main fucking event.

After a few more minutes, Devon eased back and braced himself on one arm above Hunter to grab supplies. Hunter found himself admiring the view. Dev had filled out in the last few years, cut muscles replacing the slighter build he’d had in college, but the most noticeable change was the utter confidence. Dev had an air about him now that made Hunter’s heart beat faster. In his daily life, Hunter knew he walked around like the alpha dog athlete. He was used to people letting him lead and have the control, but right now he had no issues turning himself over to this man.

Devon smiled down at him, tender heat there. “Still want this, big man?”

“I might fucking die if we stop right now.”

Devon laughed. “Thank God.”

Devon slipped a hand between them and wrapped his hand around Hunter’s cock, slick lubricant gliding along the heated flesh. Hunter groaned into the touch. “You’re good at that.”

“I know.” Devon stroked him with a firm hand, making Hunter’s toes want to curl, and then leaned down to touch his forehead to Hunter’s. “I told you back then I’d make this good for you.”

Hunter gripped Dev’s bicep, warning him to ease up. “Yeah, but if you keep doing it that good, I’m going to go off before we get there. Two years celibate, man.”

Devon grinned and dipped his hand lower, dragging the lubricant with him. The look in his eye said he knew that he had Hunter at his mercy. Hell, if the guy asked him to bark like a dog, he might do it right now. Anything to keep his body feeling just like this.

“You’re going to want to use your hand on yourself when I try this,” Devon said, grit in his voice—proof that he was hovering at his edge of patience, too. “It’ll make it easier. And tell me to stop if it’s too much.”

“I’m a big boy. I think I’ll be all right,” Hunter said, his voice strained.

“You are. But so am I.” Devon smirked.


Devon released him and sat back to roll on the condom. Hunter wrapped his fingers around his own cock while he watched Devon squeeze more lubricant onto his hand. Pulsing need pounded through Hunter as Devon slowly slicked himself up—this strange empty feeling piercing through him, this ache to have Dev inside him. He’d never done this and probably should be scared, but he knew Dev wouldn’t hurt him. Beyond the fact that Dev would stop if he said so, Hunter had bought a secret stash of toys sometime last year and had become a lot more familiar with what his body could accommodate. It was like his subconscious had known to prepare for this moment even when he hadn’t been able to admit the desires out loud.

Devon got in position, pushing Hunter’s knees up, and then peered down at him. The heartbreaking smile that curled his lips made Hunter go still. “What?”

Dev shook his head. “I think I’m still waiting to wake up. This isn’t really happening. You’re not really here with me like this.”

Warmth filled Hunter’s chest, seeping into all the cold, dark corners that had been there so long. He reached up and cupped the back of Devon’s neck to bring him down closer. “It’s real. I’m here. And I don’t want to be anywhere else. Never have.”

There was nothing left to be said after that. They kissed long and deep as Devon’s hands worked, helping Hunter relax, getting him ready, making him feel amazing.

And when Devon finally entered him, their bodies joined and their hearts beating together, Hunter knew he’d finally landed where he was supposed to be. He could see his current life fading like a picture left in the sun, parts of it disappearing, pieces becoming memories, the pure white color of a fresh start bleeding over the paper.

Sometimes you took what life gave you. And sometimes you started over by giving life the finger, grabbing what you wanted by the shirt, and making it your own.

Hunter wouldn’t let go again.

He’d found his home.

He was free.

Dear Reader,

Thanks for reading Yours All Along! I hope you enjoyed Devon and Hunter’s story. If you did, please consider leaving a review online and telling your friends. Word of mouth is a book’s best friend, and I’d be forever grateful.