She let out a breath and sat next to him on the couch, knowing her anger wasn’t really about him. “It’s okay. But next time, ask before you dive into something.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, all charm and green eyes. “I promise I will not peek into your book without permission ever again. Your very steamy book.”

“Keats.” She sent him a warning look. Of course the stack of pages he’d picked up had been the tie-the-guy-to-the-bed scene. He couldn’t have grabbed the gunfight instead.

He grinned. “So is that Mario guy going to get the girl or is Haven just going to tease him until his brain explodes?”

“I haven’t decided.”

“Evil. I like it.”

“Do you?” she asked, cocking her head at him. “So is that your plan with Colby?”

He straightened, his affable expression sagging. “What?”

“Running hot and cold, teasing him.” She turned on the couch to face him fully. “Because earlier you two were all over each other and now you’re hiding at my house.”

His face went crimson all the way to the roots of his blond hair and his jaw twitched as he looked away. “Jesus, George, you don’t pull punches.”

“No, I don’t. But I’m not saying it to embarrass you.”

“Well, it’s embarrassing, all right?” He shifted his position but wouldn’t look at her. “That’s not how I want you to see me.”

“I don’t see you any differently than I did before.”


“I’m serious, Keats. You think I don’t understand the urge to kiss Colby? I have a bad case of that affliction myself.”

“You know it’s not the same.”

“No, I know it’s not all that different, that you probably know as well as I do how he can make your body go hot with one of those damn looks he gives—the ones that promise he’ll rock you right off your foundation if you give him an inch.”

His fingers curled into his jeans. “George.”

“I also bet you couldn’t pull away from that kiss after it started, that once Colby takes control, you just want to say yes to him over and over again.”

Keats closed his eyes, his expression strained. “Please stop.”

“Hey, look at me,” she said softly.

After a breath, he dragged his gaze to hers.

“I’m not one of those kids in your football camp who’s looking to judge you. Being attracted to Colby doesn’t make you weak or less of a man.” She nudged his knee with hers. “You know what I see when I look at you?”

“A hot mess?” he suggested with a self-deprecating smirk.

“Well, hot, yes. Definitely. But not a mess. You’re still figuring things out like most of us. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m still working through some stuff myself. Believe it or not, Colby isn’t my typical type either.”


“I’m not exactly a fan of giving over control.”

He peered up again at that, curiosity flickering there.

“But I want you to realize that even though it’s fine to be confused, all the back-and-forth is hard on Colby, too. And I know we haven’t made it easy on you over the last two nights. It’s not fair to put you in a position where you’re forced to listen to things, especially if you’re having mixed-up feelings about Colby.”

“I could’ve left.”