“Attraction isn’t the issue,” he said simply.

Keats swallowed. “Oh.”

“But you’re young and inexperienced when it comes to kink, and you’ve never been with a guy. Yes, I’m a trainer. But this wouldn’t be splashing around in the shallow end, Keats. Don’t trick yourself into thinking this would be some sterile business arrangement. Even if I never fucked you, it’d be an inherently intimate and sexual dynamic.”

“Is that always the case?” he asked. “With everyone you train?”

“No. But it would be with you. I know myself well enough to know I’m not capable of treating you like one of my paying students. And I’m not sure you’re ready for what submitting to me really entails or if you’re even capable of it.”

Keats’s throat bobbed.

“The fact that you get turned on around me may simply be you responding to dominance. Maybe that’s what it always was. You said you’ve never been attracted to other guys. What happens when I put you on your knees and tell you to suck my cock? Or tie you down and slide a plug in your ass?”

Keats laced his hands behind his neck as a little flash of panic crossed his face, confirming Colby’s fears. “I—”

Colby moved forward and put a hand on Keats’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze and trying to hide the twinge of disappointment that he was right. “There are wonderful female dommes I trust who I could introduce you to. It doesn’t have to be me. Maybe it’s best it isn’t.”

Keats lifted his head, and Colby started to step away. But before he could, Keats locked a firm grip on Colby’s hip and stepped into his space.

“What are—”

Keats’s mouth was on his in the span between blinks. Colby froze for a second, completely unaccustomed to someone else making the first move. People didn’t put their hands on him without permission. But after the initial rush of shock, his lips responded before his brain caught up.

Keats wasn’t tentative or careful. The kiss was hot and hungry and the grip on Colby’s bare waist, hard. If Keats was scared, he wasn’t showing it. Lips parted and Keats’s tongue slipped into Colby’s mouth, eliciting an unintentional groan from Colby. His hand drifted from Keats’s shoulder to lock around the base of his neck, taking back some control. Hard against hard met in the quiet of the kitchen, Colby’s still-sweaty chest mashing against Keats’s T-shirt. As the kiss deepened, Colby’s cock begin to stiffen, his length pressing against the ridge in Keats’s jeans.

Now it was Keats’s turn to groan. His fingers dug into Colby’s skin like he couldn’t get close enough, like he wanted every part of them touching. Colby knew they should stop, figure out what the fuck was happening, but it all felt too good, too hot, too everything. There was such a rough hunger burning between them that if he let himself move, he worried that he might just strip Keats out of his clothes and fuck him across the countertop. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he didn’t trust himself.

But before he could get himself in trouble, a sound from the other side of the kitchen distracted them both. Keats stiffened against Colby, and they both jolted back from each other as if they’d been simultaneously cattle-prodded. Colby turned toward the side door. Through the glass, he could see Georgia standing there wide-eyed, her hand still poised for the knock she’d given the door.

“Fuck,” Keats said behind him.

Georgia turned on her heel, looking like she was going to head

right back to her house.

“Shit.” Colby lurched forward, crossing the few steps to the door, and yanked it open. “Georgia, wait.”

She kept moving, her back to him, and waved a hand. “Um, no, that’s okay. I’ll leave you two alone. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Damn. Damn. Damn. Colby told Keats he’d be right back, then jogged to reach Georgia. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, hold up.”

She stopped and turned to face him. She had her lips rolled inward and looked like a kid who’d gotten caught spying. “Really, it’s fine. I was only coming over because Keats left his phone at my place when he dropped off the boxes. But clearly, he doesn’t need it at the moment.”

Colby rubbed a hand along the back of his neck. God, he must look like a major asshole right now. They hadn’t made any exclusive arrangements, but they’d shared something special last night and today, he was . . . “Georgia, I’m sorry you had to see that, I—”

“I’m not,” she said, cutting him off with a little laugh. She handed Keats’s cell phone over to him. “That’s an image I’ll hold on to, thank you very much.”

He looked up, eyebrows raised. “What?”

Those full lips curved upward as her gaze traveled over his naked chest. “All that was missing were the sprinklers.”

“You’re not pissed?” he asked, staring at this strange creature who didn’t seem bothered he’d been locking lips with someone else. “Hurt?”

She sighed. “Look, I told you up front I didn’t want this thing between us to be serious. I didn’t ask for it to be exclusive. And yeah, if it had been someone I didn’t know kissing you, I’d probably be hurt, but I don’t know . . .” She gave a little shrug. “It’s Keats. I already could tell there was something there between you two, so it’s not a total shock that this could happen. And it’s not like I haven’t seen you with other people before, so maybe I’ve built up some immunity. Plus, well, you two look hot together.”

He crossed his arms. “Is that right?”

She poked him. “Now don’t go fishing for compliments.”