“Of course I didn’t, but I did. You’re coming over tonight, and I refuse to subject you to my cooking.”

“Who said I was coming over?”

“I wasn’t asking, gorgeous. I have plans for you, so you’ll be here. But first, I need you to go upstairs to your guest room.”

She glanced at the stairs. “Why?”

“Upstairs, Georgia. Go to the window.”

“Right.” She was already forgetting that this was the game she’d agreed to. Her heartbeat picked up speed as she headed up the stairs. When she pulled back the curtain at the window, she found Colby looking right back at her from his room. “Well, hello.”

He lifted a hand in greeting. She couldn’t tell if he was smiling without her binoculars to zoom in, but she got the sense that he was. It was a bizarre feeling to be at this window and not hiding in the dark but standing there proudly.

“Now, I know you’ve watched me for a long time and have seen a lot. And I know you’ve done your research. So I’m sure you have some idea of what you’d like to try out and experience.”

“Maybe.” The list was long. But she wasn’t sure she had the guts to announce that list.

“Good. Now, have you ever seen that show Let’s Make a Deal?”

“The one where people dress up in weird costumes?”

“Yep. That’s what we’re going to play right now. Let’s see how much you’ve paid attention. Behind door number one”—he pointed at a closed closet door—“we have things that will help your mind shut down but require a brave soul.”

She squinted at the door, trying to remember what she’d seen him get from there. That was where bigger items would probably be stored. The floggers and riding crops most likely. “Okay.”

“Door number two, which is technically not a door, but a chest of drawers, holds things that will bring intense focus but require the most trust.”

She rubbed her lips together. Focus. Maybe bondage equipment, maybe items for pain, too. Because she guessed pain could make your mind shut down or focus only on that. “I have a feeling these are trick options.”

He gave a soft laugh. “The good news is, unlike the TV show, none of them are going to have a year’s supply of hot dogs.”

“How about an evening’s supply of orgasms?”

“That could definitely be a possibility.”

She grinned, more than a little relieved that even though they were going to try out this power-play thing, Colby was approaching it in a lighthearted way with her. She knew he didn’t always, so she appreciated that he was attuned to what wouldn’t scare her off. “Is there a door number three?”

“Door number three is a linen closet in the bathroom. That holds only things for pleasure, but those require the most patience.”

Huh. Now that had to be the

trick one because who wouldn’t pick that? She pictured what could be in there. Vibrators, dildos, massage oils—all things that were great in their own right. But the more she thought about it, the more she found herself not all that excited by just that. She’d used those things, been down that road already. The reason she was so drawn to Colby was that it wasn’t all about the sweet side of pleasure.

“So, gorgeous, this is the one decision you get to make tonight. I want you to write down the number somewhere on your body. When I take you to my room after dinner, I’ll know your decision. Do you understand?”

“I do.” So did her body. Already she felt warmer, flushed, and wound up.

“Good. Now come over for dinner. Wear a dress and nothing beneath it.”

She licked her dry lips. “What about Keats?”

“He’s already eaten and is in his room, said he wanted to work on his résumé. He knows you’re coming over, so I think he’s making an effort to give us privacy.”

“Won’t he still hear things?”

“Maybe. I don’t think he minds. But if you’re worried, I can always gag you.”

“No, nothing that makes me feel like I can’t breathe. It’s too close to how I feel when I panic.”