“Quite the aphrodisiac—both having it and having it taken away,” he said, his fingertips playing along the base of her spine. “Even in the submissive role, there’s power. The submissive knows how mesmerizing his or her surrender is, how deeply the dominant craves it. Both sides are necessary for the other to be satisfied. Very powerful.”

She pulled in a breath and nodded. “I’m starting to understand that.”

“I can show you, Georgia,” he said, not wanting to push or pressure her but unable to let her walk out without at least posing the offer. “For real. You only have to ask. I promise you’ll be safe with me.”

“You didn’t touch me during the fantasy,” she said, her voice soft. “You know I would’ve let you.”

“I told you I wouldn’t. I keep my promises.”

She traced the collar of his T-shirt with her fingertip, keeping her gaze down, a thoughtful crease in her brow. “I like that.”

“It’s what you deserve. You trust me with your submission, and I make sure I’m worthy of it by never breaking my word.”

“My submission,” she repeated, as if trying out the words.

“Yes,” he said, putting his knuckle beneath her chin and making her look at him. “That’s what it would be

. When we’re in that mode, the control would be mine.”

“That idea is still scary for me. I—my life is about control.”

“A little fear can be good. I’d be worried if you entered this without any. But something drew you to your window all those nights. Some curious part that made you crave the view.”

“Yes, but watching you take control of someone else is like peeking in on some erotic wonderland—a fantasy. A safe, distant one.”

“Yeah.” He gently shifted her on his lap. “But visiting wonderland is so much better than spying on it. Not just fun things to look at but things to touch, taste, feel . . . Tickets are now available. And just for you, on deep discount.”

She laughed, bracing her hands on his chest. “Even if I’m willing to . . . try. I’m your neighbor. I don’t want this to get weird or awkward.”

“It won’t if we’re honest and up-front with each other,” he said, sliding his hands to her hips.

Her muscles tensed beneath his fingers for a second, a strange look tightening her features, but then it seemed to slide off like it hadn’t been there at all. “How so?”

“What are you wanting from this?”

She seemed surprised by his straightforward question. “Nothing serious. I mean, I’ve watched you long enough to know you’re not exactly a relationship guy.”

He cringed. “Georgia—”

She shook her head. “No. Honestly, you don’t have to say anything to defend it. That’s part of your appeal, actually.”

“Part of the appeal?” What he was going to say died on his lips. He’d been ready to tell her that he was completely open to seeing where things went. For years, he’d been fine with bringing home the occasional play partner from The Ranch for a one-night thing—mutual fun, no strings or expectations. But seeing all his friends fall into serious relationships had him craving more—a connection not just inside the bedroom but outside it. Someone he could actually date. But if Georgia wasn’t looking for that, he wasn’t going to push her. He knew it had taken a massive amount of guts for her to even get this far.

“Being here in Texas isn’t a permanent situation for me. I’m supposed to go back to Chicago in a few months,” she said, a little frown line nestling between her brows. “If I can get there. You saw what I’m dealing with this morning. So, really, if we do this, you should know what you’re getting into as well. Things are complicated for me right now.”

The fact that she was planning to go back to Chicago wasn’t welcome news, but he wasn’t ready to walk away from her for that. And he was already well aware that she was dealing with an anxiety disorder. “I’m not afraid of complicated.”

She smiled. “I am. What I need most right now is fun. Like the real, lose-yourself-in-it kind. I haven’t had that in so long. And tonight, well, it’s been nice to get a glimpse of it again. I want to have that kind of fun with you.”

His heart broke a little at the earnestness in her words, that keen need for escape. He wanted to ask what had happened to her, because clearly the life she led now wasn’t how things had always been. But he could tell she wasn’t ready to open up about personal stuff. So if she wanted fun, a break from everyday life, he could give her that. “We can make this as casual as you’re comfortable with.”

“Yeah?” she said, interest in her voice.

“Sure. Just list my number in your cell phone under For a Good Time Call.”

She laughed. “I’d dial that number right now.”

“So is that a yes?” he asked. “To this, to us?”