She swallowed hard and stepped into the straps. The elastic positioned the little silicone vibrator against her clit. Colby hit a button and she gasped as the low-level vibration moved against her already sensitive flesh.

“Now, climb on top of Keats and get his condom on.”

He handed her a condom, and she made her way back onto the bed and over Keats’s body. Keats’s gaze had gone hooded, and he was watching her like he wanted to eat her bite by bite. A beautiful, wicked man spread out for her enjoyment. She’d heard of being house poor. Right now she was man rich.

Colby stepped to the front of the bed and reached for the black-and-white cityscape hanging above it. He lifted it off the hook and took it away from the wall. A mirror hung behind it. Colby moved a latch and the whole thing angled forward, giving them a perfect shot of the bed. Georgia found herself staring at her wanton reflection.

“Might as well enjoy the view, right?” Colby said, those lips curling up at one corner. “I know I will.”

For a second, she couldn’t take her eyes off the scene in the mirror. Her naked, aroused body. Keats spread out beneath her. It was like some erotic painting. Her gaze stayed fixed on the scene as she rolled the condom on Keats, and Colby positioned himself behind her, his big body radiating heat.

“Pretty, isn’t it?” Colby asked, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror.

“It’s amazing. And you really are a deviant. Who has a hidden mirror?”

Colby smiled and laced his fingers in her hair, then turned her head to the side so he could lean in and kiss her. The kiss was deep and full, and he didn’t try to hide the need in it. She gave herself over to it, to him. Her whole body dialed up to eleven. In this moment, she’d probably give this man anything.

When he pulled away, the look he gave her nearly undid her. “I’m ready for you, gorgeous. You ready for us?”

The question seemed to hold more weight—like he wasn’t just asking if she was physically ready. Like there was more to ask. And what those hazel eyes held scared her.

But she managed to whisper, “I’m ready.”

He released her hair and moved his hands to her waist. The vibrator hummed steadily against her—enough to torture but not send her over. “We’re going to take good care of you, baby. Just listen to what I say and you’ll be fine.”

“I know,” she said, meaning it.

“Good girl.” He kissed her shoulder. “You’re going to need to let Keats in first.”

“Excellent plan,” Keats said with a drunk-on-lust grin. She had to smile back. She loved that they could still be playful in bed. She’d worried that with Colby’s dominance, it would be formal. But both men liked to laugh and have fun along with everything else.

She lowered herself, taking Keats in slowly, the stretching of her body jostling the vibrator against her clit and making her eyes want to roll back. God. Keats was gifted in his own right, and she felt full with only him in there. She seated him deep, and Keats’s eyes fell closed.

Colby’s tie brushed against the top curve of her ass, and then his hand was on her. Their gazes met in the mirror as he slid two slick fingers between her cheeks, finding her back entrance. Those warm fingers made a slow circle around her opening, massaging the lubricant over it, and she had trouble keeping the groan to herself. His mouth moved close to her ear. “Fuck him, Georgia. But don’t you dare come.”

That would be a miracle if she could manage that. She lifted her hips, drawing Keats almost all the way out, and then dipped down again. Up and down, up and down. Her focus moved fully to Keats, who was watching them both with rapt interest—his belly rising and falling with strained breaths. “I could die right now and be happy,” he said, his voice like sandpaper.

“We’ll try not to kill you,” she said as Colby’s fingers continued to move over her, getting her slick and aching. “But no promises.”

“Lie over him, baby,” Colby said after another few minutes.

She draped her body over Keats and rocked forward, letting him slide out almost all the way and then sinking against him again. That movement enlightened her on why Colby had wrapped the rope around Keats’s chest. With every thrust, her nipples were now rubbing against the soft hemp. Evil, evil man.

Colby’s finger moved against her ass again. “Relax and let me in, baby. Push out and it will make it easier.”

She’d been riding the edge so long now that relaxing her muscles actually came easy. She wanted him in. She needed to feel him. One finger slid in and then another. The

sensation was like a rocket booster to her arousal. She made a guttural sound and pressed her forehead against Keats’s shoulder.

“That’s it. So good,” Colby said, his pleasure clear. “You’re doing so good.”

His fingers moved inside her, scissoring gently and stretching her, as she continued to fuck Keats slowly. Everything in her wanted to come right this very minute, but she fought hard to keep it at bay.

“I’m not sure how much longer I can last,” she said.

“I don’t want to rush you or hurt you, baby,” Colby said, his slow thrusting continuing.

Another spark of arousal went through her and her fingers gripped the sheets. “Can we try? I’m hanging by a thread. And I want to try—”