She panted through the surge of desire. Usually, she was all for a long night of foreplay, but her body was demanding the full show.

“I think we’re torturing her with our patience,” Colby said, though he sounded none too apologetic about it. “How about we give her something to focus on? Keats, lie back on the bed so I can tie you down.”

Georgia groaned, wishing all of a sudden she didn’t have the blindfold on. The men moved around her, and she could only imagine what it looked like. Keats splayed out on the bed, Colby tying him to the headboard. Another surge of need went straight downward.

The wait seemed endless, and it was a good ten minutes before Colby’s hands were on her shoulders again. But thankfully, he was in the mood to give her a reward. He guided her to turn around on the bed, then tugged the blindfold off. When her eyes adjusted to the lamplight, she found six feet of blond, built, aroused man spread out in front of her.

“Good God,” she said, genuinely awed at the sight.

Colby had looped rope around Keats from elbows to wrists and then tied each hand to the headboard. Keats also had a length of rope looped around his chest. His cock stood long and proud, and his gaze was solely on her.

“He’s only here for your pleasure tonight, Georgia,” Colby said, massaging her shoulders. “You can use him however you want. Right, Keats?”

“Yes, sir. I’m gladly providing my services.” He sent Georgia a shameless grin.

“He doesn’t get to come until you and I do. Understand?”

“Yes,” Georgia said, her voice sounding breathy and light to her own ears. “I can do what I want with him.”

“Yes, you can,” Colby said. “But if he’s here for your pleasure, you’re here for mine.”

Goose bumps chased across her skin.

“The question is,

what would you like to do to him first?”

She let her gaze track over all that smooth tattooed skin and then let it linger on the glistening tip of his cock. “I’d like to taste him.”

Keats groaned.

“Keats, you’re a lucky man. Go ahead.”

Georgia situated herself between Keats’s knees and lowered her head to wrap her lips over the crown of his cock. She didn’t go any farther but rolled her tongue around the head and then teased the slit. He made a soft grunt, and she smiled to herself. Torturing him could be kind of fun. She let her hands slide up his legs, rubbing circles on his inner thighs with her thumbs, and then got oh-so-close to his testicles before dragging her hands down again.

“Ah, fuck,” Keats said, arching a bit. “She’s taking sadist lessons.”

“I like watching you two play,” Colby said, stretching out next to them and taking in the view. He was still in his shirt and tie from his meeting, but his erection was a prominent outline against his slacks, and he stroked it almost idly with that big hand of his. Him being fully clothed while she and Keats didn’t have a stitch on made Georgia even hotter. “I could get used to this. Spread your legs, Georgia, and touch yourself while you suck him.”

She hummed as a new wave of arousal went through her, and Keats made a pained sound again. She took Keats farther into her mouth and lowered her hand between her legs. Even the light touch had her wanting to go over. But she was learning the art of patience and kept her strokes slow.

“That’s it,” Colby said. “Tease yourself while you tease him.”

Colby unzipped his pants slowly and slipped his cock free. His size was still overwhelming each time she saw it, but knowing what he had planned tonight had a new anxious flutter going through her. She had no idea if she could take him that way. But God knows she was willing to try.

“I like how you’re looking at me,” he said, giving himself a long stroke. “Are you imagining what it’s going to feel like when we’re both inside you? Because I know that’s what I’m imagining. How tight and hot you’re going to feel around me. How it’s going to feel to have two cocks rubbing against each other inside you.”

“Fuck,” Keats said, his hands fisting as he arched in the bindings.

She seconded that emotion and had to move her hand away from herself for a moment so that she wouldn’t take it too far. Colby smiled, like he knew exactly how he was affecting her.

She went on, sucking Keats and dropping lower to lick his balls and nuzzle him. She took her time and brought him to the brink a few times. All while teasing herself and riding the edge along with him. Colby watched them with heated interest. She knew then that she was definitely more than a voyeur. There was a whole other level of intensity when someone was watching—especially when it was Colby. Because when he looked at her, it was like the devil planning his list of temptations and sins. She couldn’t wait to check off the list.

Finally, when Keats started panting, Colby reached out and gripped the back of Georgia’s neck. “Enough. Get off the bed and stand beside it.”

She scooted off the bed and followed the instruction. When Colby moved to stand in front of her, he pulled something from his pocket—a small vibrator with elastic straps.

“Step into this. Keats can’t use his hands, and I want you flying high for this. It will be easier for you.”