She pursed her lips, and he was reminded of how pretty she was. When he’d first asked her out in college, he’d been shocked that she’d said yes. She’d seemed out of his league. And as it turned out, she was, but not in the way he’d thought.

She huffed. “Andre, you can’t tell me that being in some strange three-way relationship is what you want. Was all that talk we had about having kids and raising a big family just blowing smoke? I thought you wanted to be that dad who’s the little league baseball coach and who buys a big house with land so there’s room for kids to play.”

He frowned and adjusted the camera bag again. Those plans he’d had back then seemed dusty and distant now. He’d grown up in a strict but loving household, one of four kids, extended family nearby. He’d always loved having that network of people around, and had once upon a time thought he’d re-create it with someone like Martine. But he hadn’t known who he really was back then. That traditional life had no place for him.

He crossed his arms, feeling colder than he had a few minutes before. “Things change. We grow up. What you think will make you happy and what actually does are often two different things.”

“And are you happy?” she asked, not pulling any punches. “Even though you don’t have those things you thought you wanted?”

His gaze moved back to Evan, and now she was looking his way, a questioning expression on her face. He could tell it wasn’t anger but more an offer to come over to help extract him from the conversation. He smiled and

lifted a hand to her as if to telepath, It’s all right, bella, I’ve got this.

He turned back to Martine. “I’m very happy.”

No, he didn’t have that big family or a house with land. He had a condo in the city, a job that challenged him, and two lovers who he’d move the earth for and who’d do the same for him. He didn’t need anything more than that.

Martine sighed, and the smile that she offered him was genuine, but her eyes held sadness. “I’m happy for you then. Truly.”

“Thank you,” he said, feeling like a jerk again. “And you seem to be doing great, too.”

She gave a little laugh. “Oh, am I giving off that impression? Well, that’s good. Glad I’m pulling it off.”

“Is it wrong?”

She waved a dismissive hand and took a sip of the champagne she held. “Lord, look at me, this is why I shouldn’t drink at weddings. I get all maudlin. No, I’m fine. I have a great job. My family is doing well. I just bought a house in Southlake. I have nothing to complain about.”

But she didn’t have someone. That’s what wasn’t being said. “I’m glad you’re doing well.”

She smirked. “Yep, fantastic. But hey, maybe we could have lunch sometime or something. Catch up. I haven’t seen your sister or the rest of your family in ages. I’d like to hear how everyone’s doing.”

He rubbed his lips together and glanced at Evan again. He was so ready to get out of here.

“Come on, I’m sure your girlfriend knows I’m not a threat,” she teased and set her drink down on a nearby table to dig in her purse. She handed him a business card. “What’s grabbing a sandwich with an old friend?”

He took the card. “Thanks, but I work weird hours, so lunch isn’t always doable.”

“What do you do?”

“I’m a detective with the Dallas PD.”

Her eyebrows lifted, impressed. “So the bad boy now catches the bad guys?”

He sniffed. “Something like that.”

“Well, I’m sure we can find a time at some point to connect.” She stepped into his space, and before he realized what she was doing, she planted a kiss on his cheek. “See you soon, Andre.”

Not if he had anything to do with it. He didn’t hold any bad feelings toward Martine, but he also knew the woman was a determined one. And he got the feeling her idea of “old friends reconnecting” was very different from his.

A few minutes after Martine strolled away to talk to a group of older ladies, Evan sidled up next to him. He took the camera from her hands and she rolled her neck. “So do I need to cut a bitch? Because my back hurts, the plate of hors d’oeuvres they gave me made me nauseous, and some va-va-voom woman is trying to hone in on my guy. I’m ready to scrap.”

Andre chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist. “No need for fighting. My virtue is safe from her.”

“What was she talking to you so intently about then?” Evan asked, her blue eyes more tired than normal.

He pushed her bangs to the side. His girl was working too much. “She was wondering how I could possibly be happy.”

Evan snorted. “Meaning without her?”