When she reached the edge of the curb, the driver didn’t get out, but the back door opened from the inside. She braced her hand on the door and peered inside. Kade gave her a look that pierced right through her. “Need a ride?”

He hadn’t changed out of his suit, but had ditched the jacket and rolled his sleeves up his forearms. His tie was still knotted and his vest was still buttoned, though, giving him an air of power and authority—a ruthless businessman looking for a little entertainment. Or an evil prince looking for a captive. “Yes, sir.”

“It won’t be a free one,” he warned her, and even though she knew these were simply roles they were trying on, the words sent goose bumps along her arms. “You get inside, and you’re mine for the night.”

She glanced at the partition between the backseat and the driver, happy to see the privacy screen was up.

“I’m sure we can work something out,” she said, surprised at the breathlessness in her voice.

Kade nodded as if he could take it or leave it. “Get in.”

She ducked inside the car, careful to keep her coat around her, and shut the door behind her. “Thank you.”

He eyed her. “Lose the coat. I want to see you.”

She smoothed the lapels of her trench, nervous to be getting undressed before they got to the safety of the party, but she had a feeling Kade wasn’t in the mood to negotiate. She unbuttoned the coat and shrugged out of it, then tugged the skirt to its full length. The corset tried to slide down and she put her hands to it. “I couldn’t get the laces tight enough by myself.”

“Turn around.” She followed his instruction and warm fingers grazed her back as he cinched her tight enough to make her aware of the corset’s presence and to send her breasts rounding over the top. He ran a knuckle along her spine then turned her back around and had the collar in his hand. He touched the hollow of her throat with it. “Lift your chin.”

She did as she was told and the leather glided along her skin, making her catch her breath. He fastened it around her neck just tight enough to give the slightest pressure against her throat. The snap of the little lock sent a strange thrill through her. Captured. He let his hand slide down her throat and he traced the edge of her corset. “This all looks perfect on you.”

“Thank you, sir. It’s beautiful. Probably too fancy for a slave.”

He cupped her shoulders, his blue eyes meeting hers. “Not for my woman. As much as I’d expect from my slave is how much I’d pamper and cherish her in return. She’d want for nothing.”

Tessa’s gaze dropped to her hands, the words sparking old sadness. “Having lavish gifts gets old quick, though. I’ve been that kind of slave.”

His fingers touched her chin, cajoling her attention back upward. “I’m not talking about things that can be bought, Tess. She’d have everything I could give that meant something.”

She looked away, unable to bear the way he seemed to be looking right to the heart of her. “Come on, Kade, you make it sound like a slave is a real thing. Like you’d really want one.”

He moved his hand away from her with a weary sigh, his mood shifting in an instant. His odd reaction made her frown and she wanted to ask more questions, but he started talking before she could.

“I need to get you prepared.” He pulled something from his pocket, a strip of black satin, and gathered both her wrists in his hand to wrap the strip of material around them.

“Is The Ranch a big place? Like, are there lots of people there?” She had been naked in front of a few of Kade’s friends already, but she still couldn’t picture herself walking around in a crowd dressed like this with a collar around her neck.

“It’s a large piece of property with a good-sized membership, but it’s very private and exclusive so the members know how to be discreet and respectful. And my friend, Grant, the guy who owns it, doesn’t tolerate any crap. Anyone who doesn’t follow the house rules will be kicked out or disciplined at his discretion—which, if you knew Grant, is not something you’d want to be subject to.”

She watched the silk go round and round her wrists. “So are there women there who you’ve done this with—the dominance thing?”

He frowned. “Come on, Tessa.”

His tone held warning and, of course, she knew she should shut up, but knowing and doing were two different things. “Have you like . . . dated any of them?”

“No, not dated.”

“So slept with.”

He gave her a do-you-really-want-to-go-there look. “Maybe I should’ve gagged you instead of binding you.”

“Well, there’s my answer,” she said, not sure why she was feeling so petulant and annoyed all of a sudden.

He sighed and leaned back in the seat. “Look, I won’t hide anything from you. My lifestyle can be pretty free for a single guy. I haven’t had serious relationships with any of the women you may run across at The Ranch. But I have played third on occasion with a couple. And I’ve helped out with scenes. I’ve played with a few others.”

“You’ve played third with couples? Guys let you touch their wife?”

“Or girlfriend. It’s not that uncommon in this world. Sometimes it’s because the woman has a threesome fantasy. Sometimes it’s simply a part of the dominance and submission, which is why I brought Colby in that night with us. It was another way for me to be in charge of you and your pleasure. If you’re my property, it can be exciting to share you in a way that I control. Plus, it can be hot for a dominant to watch, knowing he or she is directing the action.”