“I understand,” she said, unable to bring herself to call him sir. That felt wrong for some reason.

He didn’t correct her on it and left her there on her knees. The party went on for a while around them, and she had to fight hard not to look up or rock back into a sit. Occasionally, someone would walk over to observe them. Boots or heels would cross her view as the newest visitor circled the group, evaluating the goods for purchase. No one touched her or talked to her.

But the longer she kneeled there, staring down at her hands, the more wired she felt. The not knowing what would happen next was both exciting and completely terrifying. Could any of these people “buy” her and touch her? Would Jace hit her with that scary-looking whip? She didn’t know the answers and no one was going to give them to her. All she could do was trust in Kade. He said he would keep her safe, and she had to believe that.

After about half an hour, the crowd noise started to take on a more energetic sound. Jace came back up to the deck and gave a sharp whistle. The sound startled her, and she almost lifted her head, but quickly corrected the involuntary reaction.

“Ladies and gents, can I have your attention?” Jace called out, quieting the crowd. “I’m very happy you decided to come to our late night garden party. But let’s not pretend you’re here for the canapés. I know you’ve all come here tonight to feed your desires with an illicit night. Luckily, you won’t be left wanting. Our very generous host has kindly provided a number of very lovely pleasure slaves for your consideration. They won’t be cheap, but I assure you they will be willing and obedient. And if they’re not, I know you all have your wicked ways of gaining compliance.”

The audience laughed, but Tessa could barely hear them over the pounding of her heart. Even though it was cool outside, her skin was growing damp with sweat. She was tied to a deck in front of a group of people, half-naked, and up for auction as a pleasure slave. A few months ago, her most daring night had involved staying up until two in the morning on a work night to watch a marathon of Nora Ephron movies. How had she gotten here?

But she didn’t have time to contemplate further because Jace was untying Andre from the spot next to her and pulling him to his feet. She dared a peek upward and Andre sent her wink before Jace dragged him toward the makeshift staging area.

Jace kept Andre’s rope wrapped around his fist. “Our first slave up for auction is over six feet tall, is strong enough to take a good, solid beating—which he enjoys by the way—and can make a woman scream with his talented tongue. He also sucks cock like a champion. In fact, I’m putting in a bid myself just for the chance at that fine experience. Two thousand pounds.”

Tessa had to smile at the fact that they were pretending to use pounds. Kade really had thought of everything.

Another bid came from the audience, this time from a woman. Tessa dared to lift her gaze a hair since Jace was obviously busy, and saw a gorgeous blue-eyed woman in a green gown raising her finger in the air to note her bid. Evan.

The sight was more than a small relief. Andre’s lovers were bidding on him. They weren’t really auctioning him out to strangers. A few other people threw out bids but it was clear that the bidding war was going to happen between Jace and Evan. Andre looked more than happy to be caught between them. In the end, Evan won Andre with a bid of five thousand pounds. Jace handed the leash to her, but Andre swept Evan up and over his shoulder before she could use it and clamped his arm over her thighs to keep her in place. She smacked his back, but he simply grinned and carried her off. So much for an obedient slave.

The rest of the slaves went up on the auction block one by one. Some Tessa could tell were auctioned to their lovers, but for others it was clear that it really was an open bid. One woman was bought by a couple. The other guy was purchased by a petite woman wielding a riding crop. She even gave an onstage demonstration of how well she could use that crop when she lifted up her skirts and demanded he give her a sample of what she’d bought. He’d gone down on her in front of everyone while she hit his backside with the riding crop. The show had gotten the audience more than a little stirred up. The chatter among them was at a mild roar, and watchers became participants. Bodices were being unlaced and hands were roaming. Some in the crowd were on their knees.

Tessa was enthralled with all the sights. She’d thought she couldn’t be shocked seeing people be publicly sexual after the night at Colby’s, but it was impossible not to be. It was compelling. And sexy. And overwhelming. She was so caught up in all the watching that before she knew it, she was the only one left up there.

She still hadn’t seen Kade. She’d stolen glances at the crowd with each new auction but she hadn’t spotted him. Her limbs began to tingle with nerves and from being so still. Jace gripped her upper arm with gentle pressure. “On your feet, slave. Time’s up.”

Her head spun as she climbed to a stand, and the little bead between her thighs teased her with its swaying. How she could be so simultaneously freaked out and turned on was a wonder. But as Jace led her to the edge of the staging area, freaked out was starting to take the lead over the other. “Last but not least, we have a brand new capture. She’s never been purchased before and is new to the ways of a pleasure slave. She would be good for a patient master who isn’t afrai

d to teach and discipline her.”

Hands went up in the air faster than Tessa could count them. Bids flew. Men. Women. Two couples. Her gaze darted around the crowd, seeking, looking for the one man she wanted to hear a bid from. Where the hell was he?

“I hear six thousand pounds. Anyone else?” Jace asked. “Going once.”

True panic began to set in for Tessa. Maybe Kade had gotten held up somewhere. Maybe he didn’t know it was time yet. What was she going to do if the man who’d bid the highest won?

“Going twice.”

Her safeword was poised on her tongue, when a voice from the back of the crowd silenced Jace. “Ten thousand pounds.”

A murmur went through the crowd, and everyone turned. Tessa squinted, knowing who the voice belonged to but not allowing herself to believe it until she saw him. When the group parted and Kade strolled up the center, Tessa lost all of her starch. In that moment, it really did feel like her prince had come. Kade had changed out of his suit and replaced it with a luxurious dark blue tailcoat with gold buttons, a matching vest, tan breeches that hugged him in just the right way, and riding boots. He looked regal and proud and absolutely lose-her-mind gorgeous.

Her fantasy hadn’t been even close to seeing it live and in the flesh. This was the sexiest man she’d ever seen in her life. With his dark blond hair and that aristocratic tilt to his chin, he really could’ve stepped out of another time. No other person in that garden looked half as distinguished as he did standing there. Royalty among the commoners.

“Seems we have a big spender,” Jace observed. “Anyone want to top this gentleman?”

The crowd was silent and Jace declared her sold. Kade made his way to her with intent on his face. He stopped in front of her, towering over her in both stature and attitude. She was shaking.

“You’re all mine now,” he said, his voice silky and dark. “Kneel down.”

Her gaze never left his as she knelt slowly at his feet. Jace handed Kade a pocket knife, and she held her breath as Kade ran the blade beneath the loop and released the rope. He handed the knife back to Jace and then pulled her collar from inside his jacket. She closed her eyes as the leather touched her throat, the feel of it around her strangely comforting.

When she lifted her lids again, Kade cupped her chin with one hand. “Your training starts now. Let me see what I’ve purchased.”

With his free hand, he undid the old-fashioned pants, the flap falling open. He had no underwear beneath so she first got an eyeful of hard, flat stomach, then the impressive state of his cock came into view. He took himself in hand and stroked upward. In front of God and all the people in the crowd, he rubbed the tip of it over her lips.

She glanced at the crowd and he tapped her cheek with the back of his hand. “Eyes on me. No one else here matters. I’m your master. Open for me.”