Tessa broke from the kiss with a gasp, her eyes searching his. “What are

we doing?”

“Whatever we want,” he said, pushing her hair back from her face and praying she wasn’t going to shut down on him. “What d-d-do you want, Tess?”

She stared at him for a long moment, then shifted position. He thought she was going to climb off the bed, but instead she reached for the hem of her tank top and pulled it over her head, revealing a purple cotton bra and an eyeful of flesh. Kaden’s brain nearly melted right out of his ears, and all his blood rushed straight south. “You don’t h-h-have t-t-to, there’s no p-p-pressure . . .”

Fuck, he couldn’t speak on a normal day, but this might short out his system for good.

She met his gaze and reached to the spot holding the two bra cups together. With a flick of her fingers, she unhooked it and let it fall open. “I’m not doing this because I feel pressured.”

Yeah, he had no shot at speaking now, so he wasn’t going to even try. Plus, he had to put all his energy into not coming right this very second.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m not ready to become horror movie bait yet. But I also know I don’t want to stop yet.”

The words nearly caused wings to sprout from his back he was so damn happy. “C-c-come here. I d-d-don’t know what I’m d-d-doing either.”

But he was damn sure going to figure out how to make her feel good.

She moved back into his arms and the press of her bare breasts against his chest nearly undid any hope at controlling his body. But he breathed through it and focused on her eyes. There was so much there??want, curiosity, fear, and a little sadness. He knew why that last one was there. He wasn’t under the impression this would change anything long-term. He still didn’t have what Doug had to offer her. But maybe, just maybe, he could show her that he had more and better.

He slipped his hand behind her thigh and drew her leg over his, letting her feel how much he wanted her. Her eyes went a little wide, but he kissed her before she could think too much. As soon as their mouths melded again, the tension drained from her body and she sank into his touch. Seconds turned into minutes as they kissed and explored with hands and mouths. When he put his lips over one of her nipples and sucked, the sound she made reverberated through him like a siren call. God, yes. That. Whatever that was, he wanted to give her more of it. Encouraged by her reaction, he let his hand drift to the band of her shorts.

He stayed there a moment, stroking her belly and kissing her breasts, but when she whimpered beneath him, he gathered the guts to move his hand lower. When his fingertips grazed hair, he looked up at her. “Is this okay?”

She bit her lip and nodded.

After a deep breath to calm himself, he let his hand slide downward, feeling her most private of parts. Heat touched his fingers, then wetness. He groaned, the silky feel of her almost too much to process. He stroked along the outside of her folds, listening to the noises she made to guide him. She was so soft and delicate there. He wanted to taste her. But he knew that’d probably be too big of a step for them both.

Instead, he moved his hand lower, finding her opening, and carefully inserted the tip of his finger. He wasn’t sure if he could hurt her by doing this, but she made a soft sound—pure pleasure. He groaned and his dick pushed against his zipper. God, he’d never imagined that a girl would feel this hot. He could only imagine what that wet heat would feel like around him. With gentle movements, he moved his fingers back along the folds of her skin, stroking her in a way that he hoped to hell felt good.

She tilted her hips upward. “Oh, right there . . .”

The hard little nub beneath his fingertips swelled against his touch. He’d read enough dirty books and seen enough internet porn to know this was a good spot, the clitoris. He circled it again, and Tessa grabbed his hair. Man, he could do this all day to see her react like this. He lowered his mouth back to her breast and kept his fingers moving.

Her grip tightened against his scalp and she lifted her hips in a little rhythm until she was doing most of the work, rubbing against him like she needed. He figured out quickly that he better not change anything up. He sensed she was building to something and didn’t want to ruin it.

“Oh, God, I think I’m going to—” But she didn’t finish the thought. Instead, she made the sexiest damn sound he’d ever heard in his life. It was nothing like what was in the movies. No screeching sounds—just these soft, gasping breaths and a moan that made her body shake.

It was more than he could take. With his free hand, he reached for his dick, hoping to do something to hold back the inevitable. But as soon as he wrapped his hand around it, he exploded.

“Fuck,” he ground out, rolling back on the bed and letting what he couldn’t stop overtake him. He let out a strained groan, and the orgasm happened before he could even unbutton his fly—ruining his cargo shorts and his pride.

Fuck. Me. Way to go, Fowler.

Half an hour later, he walked back into Tessa’s room with wet hair and pajama pants that were too short for him. He hadn’t quite found his pride yet. It was probably still in shreds somewhere on the side of the bed. She peered up from the same magazine she’d been flipping through earlier that night. She gave him a shy smile. “So, hey.”

“Your foster dad is too short.”

She glanced at the pants. “Maybe you’re just too tall.”

He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, embarrassment burning a path to his face. “Sorry about . . . well, y-y-you know.”

“Hey,” she said, reaching for his hand and giving it a squeeze, “don’t be. You made me feel so, I can’t even really describe it. If anyone should be blushing, it’s me. I can’t believe we just did what we did.”

“That makes t-t-two of us,” he said, rubbing his thumb over the top of her knuckles.

She chewed her lip as if considering what she was going to say next, but the shrill ring of the phone interrupted the moment, making them both jump.