“Hey, knock my method, but it worked.” He held up his left hand and waggled his ring finger.

“Yes, it did. Which is why I’m attempting the same method with your brother, just so you know.”

“Good. He could use someone like you around. Whip him into shape.”

She smirked. “And with me that’s not a figure of speech.”


The shout from across the room drew their attention toward the front. Rosalie held up a cookie. “Look, we have a swap out, just like on the cooking shows.”

“Excellent,” he called back.

He and Sam watched Rosalie finish up with the group then his little girl came running over to him, wrapping her floured hands around him when she reached him. “Is it time for the music yet?”

“The band’s not for kiddos, Spark. Plus, it’s getting late. Your mom is probably waiting for you.”

Her bottom lip flipped out in a full-force pout. “But daadddy, you said I was going to be able to go to your house.”

He crouched down in front of her and ruffled her hair. “Next week, Spark. Your room is all ready for you, and you’ll get to stay there every other weekend and spend a whole month with me and Ms. Tess in the summer.”

“You promise?”

“Cross my heart and pie in my eye,” he said solemnly, crossing his finger over his chest in an X.

That sent her into a grin and chased off the pout. “No, daddy, that’s not how it goes.”

“Cross my eyes and hope to cry?”

“No!” She fell into a fit of giggles and he lifted her into his arms.

“Come on, Spark. I promise this is the last time we’ll have to end our visit early.”

She hooked her little arms around his neck and gave him a tight squeeze. “Thanks, Daddy. I don’t want to have to miss you all the time.”

The words were bittersweet, but a lightness filled his chest as he carried her toward the parking lot. No more sad good-byes. “That makes two of us, baby girl.”

Tessa caught sight of them as they walked through the party and she came over to give Rosalie a hug. Rosalie slid out of Kade’s arms and gave Tess an enthusiastic squeeze. “’Night, Ms. Tess.”

“Good night, chickadee. Thanks for coming to my party.”

“Welcome.” Rosalie stepped back from the hug and gave Tess a serious look. “My mommy and Chris are going to have a baby.”

“I heard that,” Tessa said with a smile. “That’s so exciting. You’re going to be a big sister.”

“Yeah, I guess. But mommy said it might be a boy.” Rosalie made the gag me with a spoon face. “Are you and my daddy going to have a baby, too?”

Tessa’s eyes went big and she gave Kade the oh-dear-God-please-help look. “Uh . . .”

Rosalie put her hands on her hips. “’Cause you better have a girl. No brothers, okay?”

Kade had to press his lips together to hold back the laugh. “Okay, enough questions and demands for the night, Spark. Let’s get you home.”

He left a speechless Tessa behind him and got Rosalie to her mom. By the time he made it back to Tessa, the band had come on stage and the party was in full swing. He let her do her thing, taking care of the guests and directing the staff. He couldn’t get enough of watching her in her element—his successful, smart wife brimming with confidence and pride over a job well done. He was more than happy to stand on the sidelines and let her bask in the accolades everyone was giving her. And he almost burst with his own pride when she presented the huge check to the team from Bluebonnet Place. The charity would want for nothing for a long while.

But after the last song was played and the last guest had wandered off for the evening, he was ready to claim what was his. He stepped up behind her as she was gathering a stack of brochures from a table, and she relaxed into his hold.

“Leave everything here and come with me.”