“Gwen,” Wyatt said, the word holding warning.

She laughed and laid a hand on Wyatt’s chest. “Oh, don’t get all grumpy. I’m just teasing you. You can do what you like with your money. I’m sure you’re very . . . talented, Kelsey.”

Kelsey’s eyes narrowed. Fuck claws, she was about to sprout talons and fangs. But Wyatt was already two steps ahead. “Gwen, I suggest you don’t try this tactic with me. Feel free to throw your ire my way, but you won’t insult my girlfriend.”

This time it was Gwen’s turn to choke. “Girlfriend?”

“Babe, I think the boat is waiting for us,” Kelsey said, ignoring Gwen’s bugging eyes and turning toward Wyatt to lay a hand on his forearm. She didn’t know where the words had come from or how’d she’d said them with such a casual air, but there they were. “We probably should head over.”

Wyatt smiled down at her and pressed a quick peck to her mouth. “You’re right, love. Let’s get going. I’m ready to relax in our room before the festivities start tonight.” He looked over her shoulder and nodded. “Enjoy your trip, Gwen.”

Then he was wrapping his arm around Kelsey, picking up his bag, and leading her toward the dock without peering back. Kelsey didn’t let out the breath she was holding until they were a good thirty strides away.

“I’m sorry about that,” Wyatt said, regret heavy in his voice.

She peeked up at him as they walked. “Let me guess. The former colleague with benefits?”

“That obvious, huh? I thought we ended things on friendly enough terms, but apparently not.”

She shrugged, trying to shake off the little whip of jealousy that hit her at the thought of Gwen and Wyatt together. Had he fucked Gwen in the bed Kelsey had slept in last night? She tried to shove the image from her brain. He’s not yours. Not then. Not now. “It’s never easy to see someone you’ve slept with kissing someone else, especially if you had feelings for them.”

He sighed as their shoes thudded along the weathered wood planks that led down to the boats. “I would’ve never taunted her on purpose. But hell if I’m going to be polite while she insults you. She can be a bitch to me if she wants, but she has no right to shoot arrows your way.”

“It’s okay. I have a badass bitch in me, too, if I need it. I can defend myself,” she said, leaning into him and giving his side a poke to lighten the mood. “And that chick was already drawing out my street side.”

“Oh, really,” he said, looking down at her and smiling. “You have a possessive streak, Ms. LeBreck?”

She lifted a shoulder. “There’s a reason no one else ever served you at the diner. I would’ve cut a bitch who tried. That includes Nathan.”

He chuckled and spun her against him. “Is that right? Lucky for you, Nathan’s not my type.”

“Yeah, what is your type then, Mr. Austin?”

“Hmm, let’s see. Sexy, nice ass, gives good head.”

She punched his chest. “Jerk! And by the way, that means Nathan is your type.”

He laughed, mirth dancing in those blue eyes. “Okay, how about all those things plus funny, gorgeous, strong, ambitious, submissive, possessive, and knows how to bake a muffin that will make you weep?”


Wyatt eyed the end of the dock where a group of people were gathering near what Kelsey assumed was the yacht that was going to take them over to Devil Cay. Yay, more time to hang with the oh so sweet Gwen. Fun times. Wyatt brought his attention back to her. “Looks like it’s time to board.”

“So it seems.”

“But first, I have a little confession,” he said, touching his forehead to hers.


“Yeah. Truth is, I’m wildly possessive, too. And I’m not quite ready to share you yet.” He stepped back and tugged her hand, guiding her down another stretch of the pier and toward a separate row of smaller boats that bobbed and dipped in the water. Though, smaller was a relative term since they were all bigger and fancier looking than any boats she’d ever seen.

“Where are you going?”

“Fuck the communal yacht. We’re getting our own ride.”


He stopped and pressed a finger to her lips, his hot gaze singeing right through her protest. “Not asking you. We got interrupted in the car. I’m not going to let it happen again. Plus, I can’t very well fuck you with thirty people watching, now can I?”