The driver pulled their bags from the trunk and set them on the ground. “Would you like me to get these to the boat for you, sir?”

“I’ve got this one.” Wyatt grabbed a small duffel bag from the pile. “But yes, please take the rest.”

He tipped the driver and turned to her, pulling a pair of aviators from the outside pocket of his bag and replacing his eyeglasses. The arch of his eyebrow was pure sexual promise. He set his bag down, and his arm snaked around her waist, tugging her against him. “It’s fucking cruel that we’re going to have to share this island with other people this week. We should just get a hotel room here and not leave the bed until next Saturday. Why waste time kissing their asses when I could be kissing much more tasty things?”

He pressed his mouth to the curve of her shoulder, sending ripples of hot sensation straight south. And she was tempted to say, Yes! Let’s do that. But before she could respond, another voice cut in from behind her.


Wyatt’s forearms stiffened against her back, and he lifted his head, looking in the direction of the woman’s voice. An oh-fuck glimmer went across his features, but he quickly covered it with the implacable mask of politeness. He released Kelsey and stepped back. “Hello, Gwen.”

Kelsey turned around, the tension from Wyatt leaking into her system as she took in the pretty brunette. Her brown eyes flicked over Kelsey’s way, annoyance in her gaze despite the prim smile. The woman looked back to Wyatt. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Wyatt cleared his throat and pressed a hand to the small of Kelsey’s back, a statement. “My dad couldn’t make it, so I’m here in his place. You never mentioned you attend this event.”

“I’m accompanying Mr. Weller since his wife had other obligations. He thought the trip would be a nice reward for my performance this quarter.”

“Hmm,” Wyatt said in a bland tone, one that could’ve been read as complete and total disinterest or complete and total judgment.

Gwen’s spine starched, so Kelsey guessed the woman didn’t like either option, but she maintained a tight little smile that cooled further as she turned to Kelsey. “And who is this?”

Wyatt’s thumb caressed the base of Kelsey’s spine. “This is Kelsey Adams. Kelsey, Gwen Harrison. She’s an attorney in the building next to mine.”

And had some kind of history with Wyatt. Whether that was in the bedroom or in the boardroom, Kelsey couldn’t quite tell. She stuck out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Gwen.”

“Charmed.” The handshake was about as warm as her tone. “And what do you do, Kelsey?”

Her inner bitch wanted to say, Him. Just to see the look on this woman’s face. But she held her tongue and retracted her claws. It’s not like Wyatt was really hers anyway.

“Kelsey’s planning to open up her own bakery,” Wyatt said smoothly, a tinge of pride in his voice.

“How lovely for you,” Gwen said, the condescension not quite fully masked. “Are you one of Wyatt’s pet projects, then?”

Kelsey coughed. “Excuse me?”

“You know, those silly little investments he likes to entertain himself with.” She slid her sunglasses from atop her head down to her eyes.

“Gwen,” Wyatt said, the word holding warning.

She laughed and laid a hand on Wyatt’s chest. “Oh, don’t get all grumpy. I’m just teasing you. You can do what you like with your money. I’m sure you’re very . . . talented, Kelsey.”

Kelsey’s eyes narrowed. Fuck claws, she was about to sprout talons and fangs. But Wyatt was already two steps ahead. “Gwen, I suggest you don’t try this tactic with me. Feel free to throw your ire my way, but you won’t insult my girlfriend.”

This time it was Gwen’s turn to choke. “Girlfriend?”

“Babe, I think the boat is waiting for us,” Kelsey said, ignoring Gwen’s bugging eyes and turning toward Wyatt to lay a hand on his forearm. She didn’t know where the words had come from or how’d she’d said them with such a casual air, but there they were. “We probably should head over.”

Wyatt smiled down at her and pressed a quick peck to her mouth. “You’re right, love. Let’s get going. I’m ready to relax in our room before the festivities start tonight.” He looked over her shoulder and nodded. “Enjoy your trip, Gwen.”

Then he was wrapping his arm around Kelsey, picking up his bag, and leading her toward the dock without peering back. Kelsey didn’t let out the breath she was holding until they were a good thirty strides away.

“I’m sorry about that,” Wyatt said, regret heavy in his voice.

She peeked up at him as they walked. “Let me guess. The former colleague with benefits?”

“That obvious, huh? I thought we ended things on friendly enough terms, but apparently not.”

She shrugged, trying to shake off the little whip of jealousy that hit her at the thought of Gwen and Wyatt together. Had he fucked Gwen in the bed Kelsey had slept in last night? She tried to shove the image from her brain. He’s not yours. Not then. Not now. “It’s never easy to see someone you’ve slept with kissing someone else, especially if you had feelings for them.”