“Yes, a generic one I bought before I really knew you. I want you to wear my collar. I want a ceremony.”

Without hesitation or any of the fears he worried would come to the surface again, she brought his hand to her mouth, kissing his palm. “There’s nothing I want more than to be yours, Wyatt.”

His entire body swelled with emotion.

“God, say that again, love.” She did and he pulled her onto his lap, taking her mouth in a heated kiss and sliding inside her.

* * *

Wyatt stole Kelsey’s thoughts with the kiss, and everything inside her tightened and quivered as he thrust into her. She moaned into his mouth, the sheer bliss of having him filling her, claiming her, was a sensation that never got old. He’d been an epic fail in the sub role, but that had only turned her on more. She loved that intensity that overtook him when he couldn’t hold back the need to dominate her.

And now he wanted to collar her. For real. She knew he’d held back from putting any pressures on their relationship because he didn’t want to freak her out. But the thought of being tied to him in that way no longer put terror in her heart. Love was a risk. Happiness was never a guarantee. But like he’d said that night at the prom, they were a good bet.

For the first time in her life, she was a good bet.

And she was ready to jump without a parachute.

He pulled back from the kiss and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting and sending rapid, rolling pleasure through her. She gripped his shoulders hard, riding him and the sensation of it all even as heavy words formed on her lips. He pressed his fingers against her clit, stroking and teasing with each rock of her hips. Her nails dug into his skin.

“You want to come, love?” he asked, kissing and nibbling her neck.

“I want to get married.”

Everything halted. Wyatt lifted his head, his eyes shocked behind his glasses. “What?”

Panic gripped her. Shit. Shit. Shit. Maybe she’d read his signs wrong. Maybe she was assuming things she shouldn’t. “I mean—”r: Roni Loren

He cleared his throat, trying to find his voice. “Coffee sounds fantastic.”

She set his mug down and straightened, giving him the full view of her outfit. She hadn’t worked at the Sugarcane again after the day with Howie Miller, but apparently she’d kept the outfit he’d fantasized about one too many times. But instead of tennis shoes, she was wearing the highest, sexiest white leather boots he’d ever seen. And her long blonde hair was in that ponytail he loved so much. All his blood rushed straight south, and any remnants of exhaustion drained right out of him.

“Working too hard, I see,” she said, a mischievous smile touching her glossed lips.

“No. I believe I’m sleeping . . . and dreaming.”

She placed her palms flat on the desk and brushed her lips against his. “Not asleep.”

He slid a hand along her waist and pulled her down until she was straddling his lap. “This outfit always drove me crazy. I defiled every part of it in my fantasies while I was sitting in that booth.”

“You’re a naughty man, Wyatt Austin,” Kelsey said, bending down and kissing him. “And a hard one.”

She wiggled her ass against him, drawing a shudder from him. “Hey, hot girl on lap. What else am I supposed to do?”

She smiled and undulated her hips, dragging her body along the length of his shaft and sending darts of fuck yeah through all his good parts.

“Definitely not sleeping” he said, groaning as his erection swelled to full force. He slid his hand beneath her panties and brushed her smooth, damp skin. “You’re good at this lap stuff, love.”

She smirked. “No shit. I used to get paid for it and everything. Though, I would’ve cut off a guy’s balls if he tried to do what you’re doing right now.”

He ran the pad of his thumb over her slippery nub, and her eyelids went half-mast. “I would’ve stolen you off that stage, would’ve never let any man you didn’t want near you looking at you that way, touching you. I’m jealous that any of those scumbags got to see you like this.”

“Never like this, sir. Let me show you what I never showed them,” she said, leaning down to nip at his bottom lip. “I’m asking permission to take a little bit of control tonight.”

His eyebrows crept upward. She’d never shown any inclination to dominate him in all these months. Though, he had set up a few scenes at The Ranch where he’d watched her dominate a male sub then fucked her while the other guy enjoyed the view. He knew that Kelsey wasn’t a full switch, but dominance did feed something inside her and he didn’t want to deny her that. Plus, he found it impossibly hot watching her manage someone else, knowing that at the end of it all, she’d kneel down and give up all that power to him.

He wasn’t sure he was capable of playing submissive even for a little while. But for her, he’d give anything a try. “What’d you have in mind, love?”

She slid off his lap and went to his laptop. She pulled her iPod from her pocket and plugged it in. She turned to him and smiled, her fingers teasing at the top button on her blouse. “So I couldn’t find my cheerleader outfit to fulfill your exact high school fantasy, but I hope this will fit the bill.”