“Is that what this is about? Making the ruse look more real?” she asked.

The corner of his mouth lifted and he kissed the tip of her nose, which was probably still bright red from crying. “No, this is complete and utter selfishness on my part. I want you, Kelsey. In my bed. At my side. And I want it for longer than two more days. The other is just a convenient side effect.”

She pressed the top of her head to his chest, the weight of temptation crushing her. Wyatt had been the subject of her fantasies for so long and now she was living them. Being with him was fun and sexy and goddammit, it made her feel happy. It was so, so dangerous. Was it better to taste the best, most delicious chocolate in the world, knowing you’d only get a few bites? Or was it better to have never tasted it and live your life not knowing what you’d missed?

She’d already had far too many nibbles of the forbidden confection known as Wyatt Austin and now he was offering more—girlfriend, more time, a legitimate place in his life—at least for a little while. “Wyatt, this scares me.”

He rubbed her bare arms and sighed. “It kind of scares me, too. But this doesn’t change anything except the amount of time. Let’s give ourselves a month. If you had decided to do all your training with me, you would’ve spent the full month with me anyway. Believe me, I never had any intention of letting you finish it up with the lumberjack.”

She laughed against his chest.

“Plus, I just punched our illustrious host in the stomach in front of security so I’m feeling ballsy today.”

She pulled back, her jaw going slack. “You did what?”

“He’s lucky I didn’t throw him through a damn window.”

“What the hell happened?” He frowned, and she knew instantly. “He said something about me, didn’t he?”

“I don’t want you going anywhere near him for the rest of the trip,” he said, leaning over to close her suitcase and pull it off the bed. “And I was right not to want his business. He’s not above board.”

“What do you mean?”

“He alluded to some things that have my warning bells going off.” He set her suitcase back in the closet, a weariness settling over his features. “Honestly, I don’t even want to think about some of the implications he made. I need to talk to my father, but he’s still at that therapy thing with my mom. Until then, I’m done worrying about it. It’s probably Carmichael blowing smoke anyway.”

She sat on the bed, exhausted by the roller coaster of the last few hours. “So what now?”

He reached behind him and pulled off his T-shirt, distracting Kelsey with that lickable torso of his. “Right now, we’re taking a lazy afternoon nap because you look wiped out and we’re going to need our energy to deal with everyone tonight.”

She lifted a brow. “That’s all I’m going to need energy for?”

He slipped out of his shorts, leaving him blessedly naked, giving her a view of the kind of sheer male beauty that made every tender part of her tighten. “Guess you’ll have to stick around and find out.”

She started tugging off her own clothes. “Tease. How am I supposed to sleep with you lying next to me, looking like that?”

He grinned and slipped beneath the sheets, pulling them back on her side. “Come ’ere, love.”

She climbed into the bed, and he dragged her against him, pressing his lips to hers and brushing his fingers along her backside. The kiss was languid, his tongue parting her lips and stroking against hers in a soft, sensual tangle. Her body went liquid, her muscles going lax in his hold as he deepened the kiss. If he thought this was going to lead to a nap, he was delusional. Sleep was suddenly the farthest thing from her mind.

He traced a blunt fingertip along the crack of her ass, a feather-light touch that had heat gathering low and fast. She moaned into his kiss when he teased at her back entrance. He broke away from the kiss. “I need to have you here, love.”

She nipped at his bottom lip, damn near purring at the feel of his dexterous fingertips exploring her. “You can have me any way you want me, Wyatt.”

The flash of wickedness in his eyes had her heartbeat stuttering mid-beat. He sat up and flipped her onto her belly as if she weighed nothing. Her face buried into the soft pile of pillows. “I wasn’t asking. But I also want you to rest.”

She turned her head. “I don’t need—”

He popped her thigh with a stinging smack, stealing her protest. “Quiet. I will tell you what you need and don’t. And what you need is some sleep. I kept you up too late last night.”

The sound of the bedside drawer being pulled open had her dragging her bottom lip between her teeth. He wouldn’t let her look in there, but she knew that’s where he kept all his fun stuff.

“Lift your hips up, love.” She did as she was told, and he tucked something small with soft nubbed latex against her clit. The small but powerful vibrator hummed to life against her. She let out a soft gasp, but Wyatt didn’t stop in his ministrations. Straps wound around her hips and thighs, securing the vibe against her. “Maybe this will take the edge off and let you get some rest.”

Slippery liquid and warm fingers moved against her back opening, making everything clench inside her. Ah, God. The thought of him inside her, taking her there, had her entire system quivering in anticipation. And with the tortuous slow-slow-fast pattern of the vibrator, she felt on the verge of losing it already.

Wyatt eased a finger inside her, and she had to fight not to writhe on the bed. “Please, Wyatt.”

A low sound of pleasure from him. “Patience, love. Though I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything sexier than you begging for my cock in your ass. Believe me, I’ll have you before the night ends. But right now, I’m going to help you be ready for me.”