“Nah, have never met him in person,” Kade said, sipping his champagne. “I only got an invite because he’s interested in putting a few of my restaurant concepts in one of his hotel chains.”

“Nice,” Kelsey said.

Kade shrugged. “We’ll see. I’ve heard he can be a little difficult to work with.”

“He’s a prick,” Wyatt said in too foul of a mood to fake it.

Kade laughed good-naturedly. “Yeah, but when it comes to business, aren’t we all?”

Wyatt frowned, the statement hitting a little too close to the mark. “Being hard-nosed and being a dick are two different things.”

Kade raised his glass. “True enough. But if you dislike the guy so much, why are you here?”

Wyatt started to answer. The truth was as simple as could be. The company needed accounts like Andrew Carmichael. His dad wanted accounts like those. For the bottom line, for bragging rights, for a big fuck you to their competitors. But watching all the other partygoers fawn all over Carmichael like he was the second coming made Wyatt want to spit. It was all so fake, bullshit piled on top of bullshit wrapped up in sugary compliments and ass-kissing. And he knew, right then, that this was going to be the first time in his life he wasn’t going to follow his father’s directive.

“You know what, Kade? That’s a good fucking question.”

Kelsey’s head snapped his way, her eyebrows scrunched. “Wyatt.”

“Excuse us, Kade,” he said, tugging on Kelsey’s hand. “I think it’s time for a dance with my girl while everybody else verbally jerks off Carmichael.”

Kade grinned and gave a little head tip. “Enjoy yourselves. I’m sure we’ll see each other around this week.”

Kelsey sent Wyatt a questioning look as they gave the knot of people around Carmichael wide berth and headed toward the now abandoned dance floor. Once they reached it, he pulled her against him, finding calm in the feel of her warmth and the sweet scent of her shampoo.

“What are you doing?” she asked as she easily fell into step with his lead. “Isn’t that guy the main reason we’re here? Ignoring him is going to look rude.”

“Change of plans.” He spun her out from him, then guided her back. The steel drum band played an up-tempo beat.

She blew out a breath, clearly exasperated. “Meaning?”

“I thought maybe I could get past my dislike for the guy to do what’s best for the company, but I can’t even look at him without wanting to punch that smarmy smile off his face. I don’t want his money. He’s a bad human being. I don’t want to build more fortune for him.”

“But your father—”

“Is going to fucking deal with it,” Wyatt said, his words resolute. “And if he doesn’t, let him fire me.”

Kelsey’s eyes went wide. “Shit. Can he do that?”

“Technically, yes. But he won’t. He’s smarter than that.”

“Wyatt, I don’t know . . .”

There was a hard tap on his shoulder. “Mind if I cut in?”

Jet fuel went through Wyatt at the mere sound of that voice. Kelsey halted her dance step. Wyatt looked over at Andrew Carmichael who, of course, was smiling broadly, way too pleased with himself. He narrowed his eyes and flicked his shoulder-length brown hair out of the way like he was some male runway model. “Well, look who it fucking is—Quiet Wyatt.”

Wyatt’s teeth gritted together at the old nickname, and Carmichael slapped him on the back with pointed force. “Carmichael,” Wyatt replied with lethal calmness.

“I saw your name on the guest list but I had to see for myself. Didn’t think you ever came out and mingled with the mortals. Couldn’t resist the lure of my beautiful island, huh?”

“I’m here because my father couldn’t make it.”

Andrew’s winning smile stayed in place, but there were daggers in his gaze. “Well, I’m glad you could make it. I’ve been wanting to discuss some things with your father. Now I can do it with you. I’ve talked to a few of his other clients, and I think A&A might be just the kind of firm I’m looking to work with.”

Wyatt opened his mouth to tell the guy to take his money and fuck off, but Kelsey stepped forward, sticking out her hand and cutting him off. “Hi, Mr. Carmichael, I’m Kelsey. I wanted to thank you for inviting us. The resort and the island are breathtaking. Really. Prettiest place I’ve ever visited.”

Andrew turned the full power of his charm toward Kelsey, taking her hand and bringing it to his mouth to kiss the top of it. It took everything Wyatt had not to yank the asshole backward by his Fabio hair. How dare that fucker touch his woman. “I’m so glad you like it. And really, the pleasure is all mine.”