“I want him,” Pike declared, turning to me.

“Pike, I don’t know, this isn’t exactly a job for an inexperienced owner. Maybe you . . .”

“Doc, this dog has issues with authority, is still feisty even after being treated like shit early in his life, and has spiky hair. Monty is made for me.”

The corner of my mouth lifted. “Made for you?”

He shrugged. “Let’s just say I can relate to what he’s been through.”

My heart squeezed, his quiet tone saying more than he probably realized. I found myself wondering what was behind those seemingly carefree smiles, who Pike was beneath the I’m-a-sexy-badass-drummer persona. “Don’t you want to go into one of the private rooms and visit with him to make sure this is the one you want? I’d hate to see him get brought back again.”

“No chance that will happen, doc. I won’t give up on him.”

The resolute look on his face was about as serious as I’d ever seen him. I nodded and turned back toward the door. “Okay, then. Let’s go fill out some paperwork. And you’ll need a list of supplies. You’ll have to buy some things today and . . .”

“What time do you get off?”

I stopped and looked back at him. “About half an hour.”

The Pike grin returned. “Good. Because you’re coming with me. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing or what I need to buy. I need professional guidance.”

“Pike, I—”

“I’ll order Chinese. My treat. I already know you like lo mein, and Foster’s out of town tonight so no worries there. We can just hang out while you help me get Monty settled in.”

I blew out a breath, the offer tempting. The thought of spending another lonely night in my apartment, painting, held about as much appeal as rolling around in poison ivy. And if Foster wasn’t going to be there, it shouldn’t be an issue. I trusted that Pike was only making a friendly offer, not a flirty one. And he did sound a little scared at the prospect of going home alone with Monty. I shook my head. “You know, the shelter doesn’t offer a house visit from a vet complete with purchase.”

He made a praying motion with his hands and batted those sooty lashes at me. “Pleeease. Have mercy on me, doc.”

I put a fist on my hip, amused. “You know? Maybe you and Monty really are soul mates because those puppy dog eyes you’re giving me should come with a warning label.”

He grinned and threw his arm around me again. “You’re the best.”

“Somehow I can’t even feel angry at you despite knowing you just blatantly manipulated me.”

He gave me a squeeze. “Don’t feel bad. That’s my way. You’ll get used to it.”

I laughed and leaned into him, all the weirdness from earlier dissipating. Yes, Pike and I had hooked up. Yes, I thought he was one of the hottest men I’d ever laid my eyes on. But at the core, we were meant to be friends only. I felt it that first night, and I felt it now.

And after the emotional roller coaster I’d been on with Foster the last couple of weeks, being with someone who didn’t make everything in me turn inside out was probably just what I needed tonight.

Even if it wasn’t what I craved.


“The fucker wouldn’t talk,” Foster said, staring out at the dark road in front of him.

“Shit.” A full sigh came through the speakerphone. “I thought—”

“Yeah, so did I. He said he’d only talk if I was there, but then he backed out at the last second. He told Agent Long that he didn’t have anything to say now. Someone either got to him in the prison, or he was just spinning stories in the first place.”

“I’m sorry, Foster.”

He leaned his head against the headrest, feeling beat down. “The FBI isn’t going to dig much further now that there’s no new information. They’re spread too thin to be wasting time on a cold case. I need you to take over with what little the guard overheard from this guy in the first place. He threw out a few nicknames, maybe start with that.”

“Will do, boss,” Bret said without hesitation. “I’ll see what I can find.”

“Thanks.” Foster turned into the parking lot. He’d been working with Bret for years now and knew the relentless private investigator would turn over every new rock even if they continued to find nothing under them. “Keep me posted.”