“Now you want to apologize?” His gaze raked over her face and the pulse point at her neck, hovering there as if it held the answers to some question he hadn’t asked. Then a sinister smile broke through that stubble of his. “Well, would you look at that?”

“At what, sir?” she said, her voice sounding soft and distant to her own ears.

His grip tightened against her scalp. “Oh, sweet Charlotte, this is going to be fun.”


Grant led Charli to what he’d called the staging room. Her legs barely wanted to cooperate beneath her as she tried to keep up with his purposeful pace. She was really going to do this. She was going to let Grant get her naked and tie her up in front of an audience. She inhaled deeply through her nose, the combination of nerves and strange anticipation making her brain fuzzy.

Inside the staging room, Colby was standing with his back to them at a nearby table, laying out different lengths of rope, and a curvy, dark-skinned woman sat on the couch closest to him, her gaze down, her hands folded neatly in her lap—the picture of demure beauty. An inviting smile crossed the woman’s lips when she peeked up and noticed Grant. Charli wanted to throw a right hook her way.

The door clicked shut behind them, and Colby turned. “Oh, hey, Boss. Nyla is rea—”

“She won’t be necessary,” Grand said, cutting him off. “Charlotte will handle the demonstration. Thank you, Nyla, but you can go now.”

Colby’s gaze went to Charli, a hint of surprise crossing his features. “Sure, you got it, Boss.” He nodded at Nyla. “Go back to Master Elliot. I’m sure he would appreciate your comfort while he’s sick. Tell him we appreciated his willingness to lend you to us tonight. And if his fever gets any higher, you call in the doctor even if he orders you not to.”

Nyla’s perfect posture sagged a bit, her relief evident. “Thank you, sir. And don’t worry. I know how hardheaded he can be. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Nyla peeked at Charli once more, obviously curious but too polite to stare, then headed out the back door.

Grant’s hands landed on Charli’s shoulders, causing her to jump. His breath tickled her ear. “Take off the dress.”

Her attention slid toward Colby, who was winding another rope but watching her and Grant closely. Words stuttered and stumbled in her mouth, but none made it out.

Grant stepped around her and crossed his arms. “Scared of Colby seeing you naked? In a little while, he’s going to be one of many.”

She wet her lips, her heartbeat going staccato. She was scared, but that wasn’t the only thing stirring inside her. Desire coiled low and hot in her belly.

“Back talk in front of my friends and now hesitation. I don’t appreciate it, freckles,” Grant said, his tone cool. “Lace your fingers behind your neck. Colby, please remove Charlotte’s clothing since she can’t seem to do it on her own.”

“Wait, I can.” She moved her hands to her dress, but Grant stepped forward and captured her wrists.

“Too late.” He guided her arms behind her neck, waiting until she followed his earlier directive and intertwined her fingers. “You’ll have to learn to follow a command when I give it. If you don’t, the alternative will probably be less to your liking. Understand?”

She glared at him. “Yes, Grant.”

He stepped back and released her arms, making room for Colby. Colby put his hands on her waist as he moved behind her, his touch surprisingly gentle for a man who looked like he could snap a two-by-four like a twig. His voice was low enough for only her to hear it. “You may want to drop the eat-shit-and-die look you’re giving him, sweetheart. You’re pushing his buttons, and there’s a lot he can do to you once you’re tied up and incapacitated.”r: Roni Loren

Charli stared down at the jewelry, realizing the two metals probably represented her two lovers—fair and dark. No collar, but cuffs. So Evan was their submissive. A little spark of melancholy went through Charli as she remembered the band around her neck was only made of disposable leather.

Good Lord, what’s wrong with me?

“Did you know that’s what you wanted when you came here? To be a submissive?” Charli asked, her words coming out tentative even to her own ears.

Evan sniffed and nodded toward Grant. “Hardly. But Mr. See-Right-Through-Your-Bullshit here recognized it in me before we even finished my first tour.”

Grant gave her an easy smile. “That’s my job, darlin’.”

Charli straightened, a little perturbed by Grant’s obvious warmth toward Evan. Had he offered to train her when he’d figured out she was submissive? How close were all these “friends”?

The jealousy was ugly and totally uncalled for—as if she had any claim on Grant anyway. But there it was nonetheless, setting her teeth on edge. She tried to shrug off the tightness in her shoulders. Grant’s fingers drifted from her hair to her neck and massaged.

“You’re very tense, Charlotte. Come here.” He spread his thighs and patted the spot in between his knees. “Sit.”

Shyness threatened, but she remembered what he’d told her before they walked in—don’t think, only do. So after a breath of hesitation, she scooted closer to him. His palms spanned her waist and he lifted her easily over his leg and settled her between his thighs, as if she were as petite as the woman sitting across from them. A beat of pleasure went through Charli, the feeling of being small and easily handled such a rarity for her.

Grant put his hands on her shoulders and began to work at the knots that had formed there with his thumbs. A soft sigh escaped her, as the muscles yielded to his commanding fingers. If this is what being submissive was about, she’d clearly been missing out. Wasn’t she supposed to be the one serving him?