Her heart picked up speed. “Crap. She can’t see me here.”

“Hurry. Go in the bedroom and lock the door. I’ll get rid of her.”

Brynn hustled through the small living area and into the bedroom, clicking the door shut behind her. She held her breath when she heard Roslyn’s voice. The last thing Brynn needed was for the senator’s wife to know she was… Well, she didn’t know exactly what she was doing with Reid, but she doubted the woman would approve regardless.

Unable to resist, she pressed her ear against the door.

“What are you doing home? You didn’t cut out early did you? I told you no special privileges at the office,” Roslyn said, her words clipped.

“I’m on my lunch break, Aunt Ros. Calm down.”

“I called the office to talk to you and Molly said you left with the receptionist.”

Brynn cringed on the other side of the door. Fucking Molly.

“Brynn needed a ride to pick up her car. It’s been in the shop. It was on my way here, so I offered.”

“Is she here now?”

“No, I dropped her off already.”

There was a pause, and Brynn imagined Roslyn was deciding whether she believed her nephew or not. “Is that all there is to it—a friendly favor? Don’t lie to me, Reid. I’ve noticed how chummy you’ve gotten with her.”

“With all due respect, how is that your business? I’m not sixteen anymore.”

“I don’t care how old you are. I know you probably don’t know a lot about that girl. Brynn’s a decent worker, but we’ve done background checks. Her family is… less than desirable.” Roslyn had lowered her voice to where Brynn could barely decipher the words. “And the press would have a field day if they found out you were… cavorting with her.”

He snorted. “Cavorting? Come on. Nothing is going on, all right? We’re friends. She needed a ride. End of story.”

Another pause. “You better not be lying to me. I know she’s probably a lot looser with her morals than the girls you’re used to, but don’t fall into the trap. Women like her have one thing on their mind when it comes to boys like you—a paycheck. Touch her and she’ll either be filing sexual harassment or getting pregnant and petitioning for support faster than you can say ‘good-bye future.’”

“We’re not together. And anyway, she’s not like that.”

Roslyn’s tone turned icy. “They’re all like that. You need to get your head out of your pants and get things back on track with Vanessa. You’re going to end up ruining your chance with her.”

Reid made a frustrated sound, and Brynn stopped listening. She stepped away from the door and sank onto the edge of Reid’s unmade bed, deflated. Was she ever going to escape her family background? Even a woman who treated her with the upmost politeness to her face secretly believed Brynn was a whore-in-training. Tears lined her lids, and she swiped at her eyes. She knew she should be used to the judgment by now, but hearing it from the lips of someone she respected wrenched her gut.

The door cracked open and Reid peeked in, quickly noticing her tears. “Sugar, what’s wrong?”

Brynn shook her head and tried to smile. “Nothing, I’m fine.”

He strode over to her and put an arm around her. “You heard what she said.”

She shrugged. “I’m okay.”

“Look, Vanessa is just a girl I was seeing at the beginning of summer. I’m not with her anymore.”

She shook her head. “No, it’s not that. It’s just hard to hear what people really think of me.”

“That’s not what everyone thinks of you,” he soothed, rubbing her arm.

“Isn’t it though? The girls at work know I don’t have money, so they think I’m trash. Your aunt thinks I’m trying to tempt you with my wanton ways. And you think something’s wrong with me because I enjoyed the other night. Hell, maybe I do have warped morals.”

“Enough,” he said, his voice soft but firm. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you.”

“Right, I’m not screwed up, yet you believe there’s something the matter with you because of what happened between us. Your logic sucks, Reid.”

He groaned. “Listen, that’s why I brought you here. Maybe I can help you understand. You’re not the only one who wishes they could change their family background.”