She tilted her head, something about the way he’d said her name giving her pause, but then the thought flew from her mind when his fingers touched her throat.

Master J wound something around her neck. The smell of new leather filled her nose, and fingers of fear wrapped around her windpipe again. After a quick clink of metal, he tugged at the collar. “Is that too snug?”

She swallowed past the tightness in her throat. “It’s fine.”

His footfalls echoed off the floor as he moved behind her. A warm hand gathered her wrists and bent her arms behind her back into L-positions. Leather cuffs locked around them and when she tested the hold, the collar around her neck pressed against the hollow of her throat, causing her to cough.

“Easy. It’s all connected to a strip down your back. Move one thing, it moves all of it.”

Officially trapped. She bit her lip and nodded. She would… not… cry. This was just sex. Sex. It was supposed to be fun. Used to be great. None of these guys were here to rape her. There were rules and surveillance cameras. She had her safe word.

“It’s time, Brynn.”

Her stomach threatened to heave.

Master J clasped her upper arm and eased her forward on her bare feet. “I’m going to walk you into our common room. All the members interested in taking on a new sub will be there. You are to remain on your knees with your head down until someone addresses you. If someone wants to take you on, they will stand in front of your post. Only after everyone has made their selections will your blindfold come off. At that point, you’ll be able to choose who you want to be with. Understand?”

“What if I don’t want any of them?”

He sniffed. “Then you go home.”

The squeak of a door swinging open made her suck in a breath. The soft buzz of conversation washed over her as the air temperature around her warmed. They had arrived. A crowded room, and she was half-naked and bound for all to see. Her legs wobbled beneath her, and Master J’s grip tightened on her arm to keep her from falling. “Almost there.”

A few more steps and he halted her. “On your knees.”

He helped her bend, and her knees landed on a soft pallet. His hand ran along the back of her hair. “Choose wisely, doll.”

She reared up like someone had pinched her. Only one person had ever called her doll. She turned her head and opened her mouth to ask the question, but he cut her off.

“No more talking.” And with that she heard his footsteps fade.

Well, hell.

A sharp tinkling sound cut through the hum of voices—metal on a wine glass she guessed. “Members, it’s time for the initiation. For those of you participating tonight, please step forward. For those here to watch, please have a seat.”

Brynn sat back on her calves and flexed her fingers, her arms starting to tingle from the restricted position. This was it. No turning back now. She said a silent prayer that she’d get someone who would go easy on her. Heavy footfalls circulated around her, and the air shifted as people stepped into her space, bringing a mix of male scents to her nose—cologne, soap, sweat. She set her mouth in a firm line and kept her expression smooth, determined to keep her fear hidden.

A finger pressed under her chin, lifting her face to some unknown suitor. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

Her heart crashed against her ribs, her panic rising like mercury in a thermometer. She cleared her throat and tried to keep her voice even. “Brynn.”

“Have you been in a D/s relationship before?” asked another male voice.

“Once, a long time ago.”

There were a few murmurs of approval, and the first man released her chin. Then a third voice, deep and melodic, chimed in. “Did you love the guy or was it a casual relationship?”

She wrinkled her forehead, confused by the question. “Does it matter?”

“Answer the question, sub.”

She clenched her jaw. “I loved him.”

“But you think you can keep it casual now?” asked the first man.

She nodded. “I know I can.”

The men asked a few more questions, then the sound of the clinking glass hushed everyone again. “Time to choose.”