He groaned and sank back against the cushions. What had he been thinking? Jace had agreed to hook him up with a girl he knew—a girl who supposedly liked things a little rough in bed and preferred two guys to one—so that Reid could work through his shit.

Last night the whole idea had seemed like the perfect solution to his problem—a pretty girl who didn’t mind some kink, Jace there to keep Reid from crossing any lines, and no strings. But now that he was here, neither his heart nor his dick were onboard.

He needed to go.

The doorbell rang.


Jace grinned. “Right on time.”

Jace hustled to the door, leaving Reid with his warring thoughts and pounding heart. Part of him wanted to sneak out the side door and not look back. But the other part was still holding on to the hope that maybe this would fix it. Fix him.

However, when Jace pulled open the door, and Reid heard

the voice on the other side, his blood seemed to halt in his veins.

Mother. Fucker.

He hopped up from the chair and crossed the room in three strides, stepping up behind Jace. Brynn’s eyes locked with his over Jace’s shoulder, her teeth tugging at her full bottom lip.

“What are you doing here?” Reid bit out, then grimaced when he realized how rude his question sounded.

“Oh, hey,” she said, shifting her gaze between the two of them, looking as unsure of herself as he’d ever seen her. “I was just telling Jace that Roslyn found your wallet on the floor in the office. She, uh, knew where you were and asked if I would drop it by on my way home. She didn’t want you driving home without your license.”

He automatically grabbed for his back pocket—of course, nothing was in there. “Damn, how did I lose that?”

She shrugged, and then stuck out her hand, giving him the wallet.

“Thanks.” His fingers brushed hers as he took it from her, and his dick—which hadn’t twitched all night despite the upcoming threesome—instantly stirred to life.

God, what was it about this girl? Seeing her there, feeling the heat her presence alone fired within him, slapped him with hard reality. He was so screwed. He could fuck his way through sorority row and then hit every whorehouse on the way home afterward, but it wouldn’t matter. Nothing was going to slake the dark desire Brynn inspired.

The realization burned an aching hole in his chest. Maybe he’d never be able to trust himself around her.

She pushed her hair behind her ears. “So, yeah, I guess I’ll get going. Y’all enjoy your boys’ night.”

“You can stay and have a beer if you want,” Jace offered. “The Rangers game is on.”

He whipped his head in Jace’s direction. Had the idiot lost his goddamned mind?

Brynn snuck a tentative peek at Reid. His horror must’ve been obvious on his face because she quickly waved a dismissive hand. “No, I’m not going to interrupt. Far be it from me to interfere on dude time.”

Headlights flashed through the darkened street, and she glanced back as another car pulled into the driveway.

Reid’s heart leapt into his throat. Oh, shit.

“Right,” he said, stepping forward, his words tumbling out. “You’re probably not a baseball fan anyway. And the game’s a blowout so far. Why don’t I walk you to your car?”

Her brow furrowed as he took her elbow. “Yeah, okay.”

But as they turned to head down the sidewalk, Leah exited her car and sashayed into their path, looking like a teenage boy’s wet dream. Shorts hugging her ass, legs up to her ears, and non-God-given tits spilling out her top. Definitely not a baseball-watching outfit. Definitely not a dude. Facts not lost on Brynn.

She stiffened in his grasp and halted her step.

Goddammit. And goddamn his aunt for sending Brynn here. Even without trying, Ros had managed to meddle like she had some sixth sense on how exactly to fuck with his life.

Leah’s glossed lips pulled into a seductive smile as she approached. “Jace didn’t tell me we were bringing in a fourth, but…” She gave Brynn an up-and-down perusal. “I guess I’m open to new things.”