“You think he recognized me?”

“Nah, he’s so drunk on lust for that chick he’s with. He wouldn’t be able to pick his own wife out of a lineup right now.”

She grimaced. “He’s married?”

Jace sighed. “Unfortunately, being single isn’t one of the requirements for membership at The Ranch.”

A sound of disgust escaped her. Thank God that’s not who her sister was paired up with.

Jace gave her a rueful smile as they exited the restaurant and headed down one of the unnaturally quiet hallways. “I know it’s not right, but it is what it is. At least you don’t have to worry. Both of your men tonight are footloose and fancy-free.”

Her steps stuttered. Both? “What?”

He paused outside a set of double doors and turned to her. “Brynn, before we go in there, I want to make sure you’re okay with this. Reid asked me to join you guys tonight.”

Her eyes widened.

“I know, shocked the shit out of me, too, because you know how he is. And don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely a willing participant, but if you don’t want that or think it’s going to freak you out, tell me now. I know you haven’t told Reid what you’re going through, but I know he wouldn’t want to do anything that’s going to scare you.”

Both of them. Both of them. Her heart hammered in her chest, but the rush of adrenaline didn’t feel like fear. No, this rush was something totally different. After a few moments, she nodded. “I’m okay. I trust you guys.”

“You know what to say if anything goes wrong.”


“Okay,” he said, giving her a smile that suddenly seemed more than friendly. He pushed through the double doors, and pounding dance music drowned out her question. He bent close to her ear and shouted, “Come on, doll. Into the den of inequity we go.”

She grabbed his hand and followed him through the throng of people on the dance floor. Couples and groups of every possible makeup—some clothed, some not so much—bounced and writhed to the pulsing beat. Hands and bare skin brushed against her as she and Jace were absorbed into the crowd. The scents of sweat and sex enveloped her, and despite her racing worries, her body jumped to attention.

She mentally grabbed on to that physical sensation—that’s what she needed to focus on. She closed her eyes, centering herself, drawing herself down into her senses and into an almost meditative state. Nothing exists outside this moment. This room. All you need is what your body feels.

A hot hand cupped her ass and jolted her from her internal chanting. She turned her head to tell whoever it was to back off, but Reid’s confident smirk greeted her. “Keep moving.”

Once they made it off the dance floor and to the fringes of the room, the music faded to a manageable volume. Jace found the last open couch. “This’ll work.”

Brynn frowned at the small love seat. No way would the three of them fit on that. Hell, was she going to have to kneel on the goddamned floor again? Jace sank onto the dark brown leather, and after setting a paper bag on a nearby cocktail table, Reid moved past her to take the other spot. She huffed. Guess “ladies first” had no application in this world.

She sighed and started to kneel, but Reid’s hand circled her wrist. “Plenty of room for you on my lap, sugar.”

Her heart skipped a tick as he patted his leg in invitation. She used to love being on Reid’s lap. Back when she’d felt like her whole world was balancing on the edge of a dime, his embrace had made her feel cherished, safe. But right now, she doubted his intent had anything to do with safety.

Before she could respond, he dragged her closer and pulled her onto the tops of his muscular thighs. With ease, he shifted her whole body until her ass was in his lap and her legs were draped across Jace’s. “There, that’s better.”

She looked back and forth between the two men and wet her lips. “But, I’m taking up Jace’s space, too.”

Reid ran the backs of his knuckles along the outside of her exposed leg, sending shivers along her skin. “I don’t think he minds.”

Jace’s eyes followed Reid’s movements. “Not at all. The view is mighty fine.”

Reid’s palm slid toward the inside of her thigh, and he parted her tightly closed knees, spreading her until Jace could most definitely see up her skirt. “Don’t be shy, sugar. You were ready to take Jace on as your dom last week, so I know you’re not opposed to letting him have a little fun with us.”

She couldn’t help the swift heat that nestled between her legs. Maybe staying focused on the physical wouldn’t be a problem. She turned to Reid, her brows knitted. “What happened to your no-sharing policy?”

He gave a soft chuckle, even though something akin to pain flashed in his eyes, and kissed the spot below her ear. “Back then I was young and stupid and thought I was in love. Now that it’s just sex, I don’t mind sharing.”

She scoffed. Sure, he’d been in love with her—so in love that he’d been cheating on her the whole time they were together. What a stand-up guy.

Reid frowned and pushed a stray hair away from her face. “But, we’re leaving the past behind while we’re here, right? Let’s not let that taint the experience of ‘getting this whole sex thing over with.’â??”