“Easy, sugar. It’s just me,” Reid said from behind her as he slid his arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “I couldn’t resist with you bending over like that.”

She spun around in his grasp, the blasting cold from the refrigerator chilling her backside as his body warmed her front. “Reid! You scared the crap out of me.”

He brushed a hand over her hair. “Sorry about that.”

She tried to catch her breath, not sure if her pounding heart was from being startled or from being so close to him. “What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be back until tomorrow.”

“I hopped an earlier flight.” He dipped his suntanned face closer and brushed his lips against hers. “I couldn’t stay away from you for another minute. I’ve never hated the beach so much in my life.”

“What? Too many beautiful, bikini-clad girls for you?” She poked his ribs.

“Ooh, jealousy. I like it on you.” His thumb stroked the small of her back, her skin coming alive beneath his touch. “And I didn’t need to check out the other girls. I already have the one

I want.”

She stared into the bottomless blue of his eyes, unable to tell if he was being serious or simply being his charming self. How could she be who he wanted? He couldn’t even take her out in public for fear someone in his circle would see them. She pushed the ugly thought away and tilted her chin up. “Guess I shouldn’t have spent my week working my way through the guys in the office, then. I didn’t realize you were going to have such a strict moral code on your trip.”

“Oh, is that what you’ve been up to?” The corner of his mouth tipped up. “I’m not enough to satisfy you? Maybe I should’ve taken Jace up on his offer to join us for a threesome.”

Her eyes widened and retort got hung up in her throat. Reid and Jace. Whoa.

He laughed and kissed the tip of her nose. “Don’t worry. I told him no. Even though I’m guessing by the way your body just quivered, you’re not totally opposed to the idea. Naughty girl. Too bad I’m too selfish to share you.”

She shook her head, dismissing the erotic images the crazy suggestion had sparked. “You’re more than enough for me to handle.”

“Uh-huh. Then why are your cheeks getting all red?” he asked, trailing his fingers along the curve of her ass. “What other fantasies are rolling around in that pretty head of yours?”

Fantasies. She looked down so he couldn’t read her expression. Was that all this was about for him? Exploration. Games. Sex. Or did he get the same fist-to-the-solar-plexus feeling she got anytime she thought about the end of summer?

She hid her thoughts with a saucy smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“Vicious tease.” He dragged her away from the open fridge and lifted her with ease, guiding her legs around his waist. Her skirt bunched around her thighs, and he nipped at her lower lip. “Man, I’ve missed you like crazy this week.”

She couldn’t stave off the smile that hopped to her lips, a little zip of giddiness going through her at the obvious sincerity of his words. Maybe he did feel something more. “Really? You missed me?”

“Ah, sugar, you have no idea.”

Her heart did a little flip, confirming how far into crazytown she’d strayed. Okay, so this was stupid. Insane. She was getting in too deep. She should run hard and fast. There were a thousand reasons why this couldn’t work long-term.

But she couldn’t bring herself to turn away from him. No one had ever made her feel this good, this free to be herself. Alive. So she shoved the worries in a mental closet and kicked the door closed. Stressing about the inevitable wouldn’t get her anywhere. She would figure out how to say good-bye. Soon.

But not while he was giving her that look that made her insides turn liquid. She kissed along the curve of his neck. “So are you going to show me how much you missed me? Or do I need to call one of the other guys?”

A low growl rumbled from his chest as he swung her to the left and planted her back against the wall. “Well, I was going to take you to get some dinner first. But if you insist, I’ll gladly fuck you right here.”Author: Roni Loren

“Oh.” She’d only been asking for a kiss, but the new suggestion sent a shot of lust-laced adrenaline through her vitals. She glanced at the empty hallway over his shoulder. “There aren’t hidden security cameras around, are there?”

“Nope.” He dragged his greedy gaze over her chest, and her nipples tightened under the perusal, her whole body going achy with want. “Grab the edges of the shelf above your head and don’t let go. I’ll show you exactly how much I missed you.”

She stretched her arms above her and wrapped her fingers around the cool metal, her heart hammering against her ribs. “Are you sure no one’s going to come back here tonight?”

“Nope.” He set her on her feet, giving her a dark smile, and shoved her skirt to her waist. “Want me to stop?”

His fingers trailed up her inner thigh, sending hot and tingly desire steamrolling over any lingering worries. She shook her head. “God, no.”

“Good.” The backs of his knuckles brushed against the cotton of her panties. “Because I don’t know if I could make it through a whole meal knowing how hot and wet you are under these already.”

She wriggled against his touch, seeking more, needing all of him. Now. “Well, whose fault is that?”