“Oh, is that what you’ve been up to?” The corner of his mouth tipped up. “I’m not enough to satisfy you? Maybe I should’ve taken Jace up on his offer to join us for a threesome.”

Her eyes widened and retort got hung up in her throat. Reid and Jace. Whoa.

He laughed and kissed the tip of her nose. “Don’t worry. I told him no. Even though I’m guessing by the way your body just quivered, you’re not totally opposed to the idea. Naughty girl. Too bad I’m too selfish to share you.”

She shook her head, dismissing the erotic images the crazy suggestion had sparked. “You’re more than enough for me to handle.”

“Uh-huh. Then why are your cheeks getting all red?” he asked, trailing his fingers along the curve of her ass. “What other fantasies are rolling around in that pretty head of yours?”

Fantasies. She looked down so he couldn’t read her expression. Was that all this was about for him? Exploration. Games. Sex. Or did he get the same fist-to-the-solar-plexus feeling she got anytime she thought about the end of summer?

She hid her thoughts with a saucy smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“Vicious tease.” He dragged her away from the open fridge and lifted her with ease, guiding her legs around his waist. Her skirt bunched around her thighs, and he nipped at her lower lip. “Man, I’ve missed you like crazy this week.”

She couldn’t stave off the smile that hopped to her lips, a little zip of giddiness going through her at the obvious sincerity of his words. Maybe he did feel something more. “Really? You missed me?”

“Ah, sugar, you have no idea.”

Her heart did a little flip, confirming how far into crazytown she’d strayed. Okay, so this was stupid. Insane. She was getting in too deep. She should run hard and fast. There were a thousand reasons why this couldn’t work long-term.

But she couldn’t bring herself to turn away from him. No one had ever made her feel this good, this free to be herself. Alive. So she shoved the worries in a mental closet and kicked the door closed. Stressing about the inevitable wouldn’t get her anywhere. She would figure out how to say good-bye. Soon.

But not while he was giving her that look that made her insides turn liquid. She kissed along the curve of his neck. “So are you going to show me how much you missed me? Or do I need to call one of the other guys?”

A low growl rumbled from his chest as he swung her to the left and planted her back against the wall. “Well, I was going to take you to get some dinner first. But if you insist, I’ll gladly fuck you right here.”r: Roni Loren

Her eyes widened, hope filling them. “You’ve seen her?”

“No, but I flirted with the girl at the front desk earlier. I got her to leave her post for a second and was able to peek at the employee schedules. There’s a Kiki listed in the sub training slot.”

“Oh, thank God.” The relief was visible in every inch of her stance.

“Yeah, the only problem is anyone in training is on lockdown with their master—no outside contact unless the master allows it. So it’s not like we can go make a social call at whatever cabin or room she’s staying in. We’re going to have to wait for her master to bring her out.”

She frowned. “What if he doesn’t let her out for the whole time she’s here?”

“I’d be surprised if that were the case. If he’s training her to work here, he’s going to want to expose her to as much as possible—public displays, special equipment, et cetera. I think we’re just going to have to keep our eyes peeled, try to blend in, and participate in as many of the group functions here as possible.”

She nodded, some unreadable expression crossing her face. “Right. Participate.”

He shook his head. “Wow, is being here with me really that horrible? You didn’t have to pick me, you know.”

She turned and started walking again. “Not everything is about you, Reid. Let’s just leave it at—I appreciate your help, alright?”

Biting back a sigh, he caught up to her and swung open the exit door, and the damp night air washed over them.

She shivered and crossed her arms over her barely concealed breasts. “Which way are we going?”

“I rented one of the private cabins. It’s just a few yards down that path.” He glanced down at her and watched goose bumps rise on her exposed skin. He let the door click shut behind them and hooked the leash to his belt. “Hold on.”

With quick fingers, he unbuttoned his blue dress shirt and shrugged out of it, leaving him in just his gray slacks. Brynn’s eyes darted to his bare chest. “What are you doing?”

He smirked. “I thought we’d have a quick fuck right here against the wall. Break the ice.”

She gave him a you-must-be-on-crack look.

He shook his head, glad to be back in comfortable territory. Exchanging barbs with her kept them both safe. Kept him from examining the little whispers of old feelings she’d stirred with that kiss. He handed her the shirt. “Here. I wouldn’t be a very good master if I let my woman freeze to death before reaching the room.”