Page 353 of Redemption (Sempre 2)

Haven shook her head. “So you’d just be alone?”

“If I’m gonna be miserable either way, I’d rather be miserable alone,” he said. “Why are you asking, anyway?”

“I just wondered about it all,” she said, still watching the couple. “Do you think those two love each other, at least?”

“It’s possible,” he replied. “Sometimes what they feel is real. I know Celia wouldn’t stay with Corrado if she didn’t love him, so it’s possible those two will get married and be happy, too.”

“And you don’t think you would have ever tried?”

Her questions made his head spin. “I don’t know.”

“But don’t you think it’s important to have someone around who understands?”

Before he had a chance to even think about how to respond to that, Corrado and Celia started back in their direction. Celia took her seat while Corrado paused beside Carmine, eyeing him warily. “How many drinks have you had?”

He hesitated, looking at his half-empty glass. “Uh . . .”

“The fact that you have to think about it is answer enough,” he said, holding out his hand. “Give me your keys.”

Carmine’s heart pounded hard as he took in his uncle’s stern expression. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys to the Mazda. Corrado snatched them from him.

“Here,” he said, tossing the keys to Haven. “Make sure he gets home safe.”

“Yes, sir,” she said quietly.

“There you go throwing your weight around again,” Celia commented.

Corrado let out a slightly bitter laugh. “Well, he doesn’t have a wife yet, so I’m the only master he’s got for the time being.”

Carmine fought the urge to roll his eyes as he picked up his glass when Corrado was called away from the table again. He turned to Haven after downing the rest of his drink. “You ready to go, tesoro? I’ve had my fill of family for the time being.” He peeked at his aunt Celia. “No offense, of course.”

“None taken,” Celia said. “Go, have fun.”

Haven stood and smiled as they walked away. They almost slipped out undetected, but Corrado spotted them as they neared the door and called Carmine’s name. “Be available in case I need you, and next time wear cleaner shoes. How hard is it to shine them? It takes all of five minutes.”

“Uh, yeah,” he muttered. “I wasn’t thinking.”

Haven looked smug about it, but her expression shifted quickly when Corrado spoke once more. “Haven?”

She went rigid. “Yes, sir?”

“You did well tonight,” he said. “It’s been a pleasure.”

Her eyes lit up. “Thank you, sir. I’m glad you invited me.”

Carmine grabbed Haven’s hand and tugged on it, wanting to get out the door before Corrado decided he had something else to say.

“Were you telling the truth?” Carmine asked as they strolled through the packed parking lot. “Are you glad he invited you?”

“Yeah,” she replied. “They were all actually really . . . nice.”

“Sure. The nicest motherfuckers I know, tesoro—like rainbows and sunshine.”

She laughed, bumping against Carmine playfully. “You know what I mean. They weren’t cold to me like I thought they’d be, since I am . . . or I mean, I was . . .”

“They aren’t stupid,” he interrupted, squeezing her hand. “Corrado would kill them if they disrespected you.”

She seemed taken aback and stopped beside the car. “He’d really do that?”