Page 211 of Sempre (Sempre 1)

“With her boyfriend,” Dia said when Haven remained quiet. “You know—Carmine.”

Nicholas’s expression fell. “DeMarco?”

“What other Carmine is there?” Dia asked. “And don’t be so shocked. He’s not the same person you knew.”

“Carmine will never change.” Nicholas’s voice was scathing. “He might pull the wool over your eyes, but I’m not charmed by him like everyone else. Everyone in this ridiculous town still thinks the sun rises and sets on that guy, that he can do no wrong. It’s bizarre.” He paused, fiddling with his candy. “I have to go.”

Dia scooted out of the booth to let him pass. He put a piece of candy down on the table in front of Haven before stalking away, shoving the door open and leaving the diner without eating.

Haven glanced down at the orange candy heart in front of her, reading the words Talk 2 Me faintly written on it in pink.

o;To try to break us apart.”

The answer irritated Vincent, and he dropped his fork. “Have you not been listening? You think I get off on toying with others? Do you honestly think your mother would’ve married me had I been that horrible?”

“I don’t know. I have no idea what was going on in Mom’s head, but I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy about what you’re doing with Haven.”

“You were young when she died, and frankly, your view is skewed. I’ve done a lot over the years that would disappoint your mother, but buying the girl isn’t one of them.”

“Buying her? You think my mom would be okay with that? You’re sick!”

Vincent slammed his fist against the table. “Who are you to talk to me like that? Look how you treat everyone!”

“And whose fucking fault is that, huh?” Carmine pushed his chair back as he stood. “Whose fault is it I’m fucked up? Whose fault is it I had to watch her die?”

Vincent glared at him. “Not mine.”

A voice cleared beside them as the manager approached. Others stared, disturbed by the commotion. Vincent pulled some cash from his wallet, throwing it down on the table before walking out.

* * *

Not a word was spoken during the drive. When they reached the house, Carmine tried to get out, but Vincent stopped him.

“I had you do it so you’d see what you were getting into. She’s been cut off from everything, Carmine. In the confines of the house, maybe things are great, but that’s not the real world. On the off chance you get to be together, I figured it was better if you had experience dealing with that part of her. It’s going to be there every step of the way, because when you’re raised like she was, you don’t have the know-how to live any other way. I tried to help you, not hurt you.”

Carmine opened his mouth to speak, but his father continued before he could. “You think your mother would be disappointed I brought her into this house? I think you’re wrong. Would she like it? No. I don’t even like it. But I think your mother would’ve been disappointed had I thrown the child into the world blindly. Society would’ve eaten her alive. Probably still will.”

Carmine had been focused on everything his father was doing wrong and never considered what might be helping Haven.

“She needs a semblance of her normal before she can be introduced to ours,” Vincent continued. “You love her? Fine, love her. But don’t contradict me. This isn’t fun, Carmine. I’m not enjoying this, but I’m doing it and that should be enough to earn your respect. You have to stop acting like you’re powerful and wise, because you’re neither. You need to grasp that, son, or I’m going to lose you like I lost your mother.”

Vincent got out, slamming the door so hard the windows vibrated.

* * *

Haven lay in the middle of Carmine’s bed, sprawled out on her back when he entered. He took off his coat and shoes before lying down beside her. Haven’s eyes fluttered open. She blinked a few times, smiling when they made eye contact.

“La mia bella ragazza,” he said. “Napping in the afternoon?”

“I ran out of stuff to do,” she said. “Everything’s clean.”

He sighed. “A nap actually sounds good right now.”

She eyed him curiously. “Bad day?”

“It was confusing, but I wouldn’t call it bad,” he said. “Any day that includes lying in bed with you, tesoro, can’t be bad.”

She ran her fingertips across his lips. “I missed you.”