Page 275 of Sempre (Sempre 1)

“It won’t,” he said. “It’s strong; it’s not gonna break.”

Her smile fell. “Promise?”

Carmine stared at her, confused by her sudden shift in demeanor, when it struck him what he’d said. “Promise. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure it continues to beat.”


“So what are you doing in the library?”

She turned around, scanning the books again. “I was looking for something to read. I feel like I should learn something.”

“I get out of school for the summer, and you decide it’s time to learn? That’s kinda backward.”

“I know, but if I’m going to be free, I shouldn’t be stupid.”

“You aren’t stupid, but there’s nothing wrong with learning. If you wanna learn, I’m all for it. Actually, you know what? I have an idea.”

Grabbing her hand, she offered no resistance as he pulled her toward the steps. Once they reached Vincent’s office on the second floor, Carmine grabbed the knob but hesitated. He knocked instead, and Corrado opened it, stepping to the side so they could enter. Haven stiffened as she took a seat, looking at Carmine nervously as Corrado walked to the other side of the room.

“Do you need something?” Vincent asked from behind his desk, his fingers stilled on the keys of his laptop.

“I wondered how hard it would be to get Haven a GED.”

Vincent sat back and pushed his glasses up on his nose. “Now?”

“Well, not right this damn minute, but soon.”

“Depends on what you want it for,” Vincent said. “We could have one made for her, but it might not pass a strict vetting process.”

What was the point if she didn’t learn anything? “I’m talking about her earning one.”

“Oh. I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult. She’ll need some documents and a driver’s license for proof of identity, but I can pull some strings and get her the stuff. All you have to do is make sure she’s ready to test.”

“Seriously?” That simple? “I wish I would’ve known sooner.”

“Don’t get any ideas,” Vincent said. “You made it this far; you can finish high school. She wasn’t afforded the opportunity, but there’s no reason she can’t test for a GED if she wants one.”

Haven glanced between them. “GED?”

“Stands for General Education Diploma,” Carmine said. “Or General Equivalency Diploma. I don’t know.”

Corrado shook his head. “General Education Development.”

“Whatever, it could stand for Goddamn Endocrine Disorder for all I care,” Carmine said. “It means the same thing.”

Vincent laughed loudly. “You just wished a hormone deficiency on the girl.”

“Oh, we don’t want that,” Carmine said. “I mean a diploma.”

Haven stared straight ahead. “Diploma?”

“Yeah,” Carmine said. “It’s just a piece of paper, but it means you know enough to complete high school. You can get into some colleges with it.”

Her eyes widened. “I can get one of those? A GED?”

“Yes,” Carmine said.

“If you want one,” Vincent said. “It’s up to you.”