That chased the anger away. “Do your brothers know?” she said quietly.

“I don’t know if there’s anything to know, Quinn.”

Well, that sounded like a heaping load of self-denial. She didn’t look away from him and chose her words carefully. “Do they have any idea you might have entertained the thought of kissing another boy?”

His voice was resigned. “No.”

“Not even Gabriel?”

“No. Jesus, no.”

She stretched her hand out from under the blanket and found his. “It’s okay,” she said. “I won’t tell anyone.”

He rolled back to stare at the same ceiling, but he kept hold of her hand. “I should have just taken you back to my house tonight.”

“No, I’m glad this happened.” Then she winced. “I mean, not the puking part. But I thought you were just stringing me along.”

“Quinn.” He squeezed her hand. “I kind of was.”

She moved closer and put her head on his shoulder. “But now I understand why.”

Nick sighed, but he didn’t say anything.

“I should have known you were too good to be true,” she said.

“What does that mean?”

“It means my luck sucks,” she said. “It was nice dating a guy who treated me like a friend instead of a blow-up doll.”

“You were the one trying to unzip my pants in the truck!”

“Yeah, well, I thought you weren’t interested. I didn’t realize that your divining rod just pointed in a different direction.”

“You’re killing me,” he said. But it sounded like he was smiling.

Quinn sighed. “So I’m back on the market. You should have left me on the beach with those guys.”

His voice sharpened right up. “Quinn, that was insane. You know that, right? After what happened with Becca—you can’t—you just—”

“I had nowhere to go!” she cried. “My mother threw me out again—”

“Next time, call me. Or Becca. This was crazy. Anything could have happened.”

“Becca was with Chris. And you—you weren’t—”

“I wasn’t what?” He pushed her off him so he could look down at her. His voice was fierce. “I wasn’t your friend? I wasn’t concerned? Jesus, Quinn, just because I don’t want to sleep with you doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”

She stared at him. No one had ever lectured her like that.

She kind of liked it.

Nick ran a hand through his hair. “God, you’re crazy. Do you think people will only like you because you put out?”

“I don’t just think that,” she snapped. “It’s true.”

“It’s not,” he said softly. “I promise you. It’s not.” He paused. “You said it was nice dating a guy who was a friend. Why don’t you slow down a bit and take a break from all the . . . ah, extracurriculars ?”

Quinn smiled. “You and your vocabulary.”