They were going to be on the floor in a minute.

“Easy. Easy,” said Adam.

Nick felt like he was coming up for air.

Hell, he was practically panting.

He looked into Adam’s brown eyes, which were just now searching his.

“Well,” said Adam, a slight smile on his lips. “That was unexpected.”

Unexpected. Somehow the best and worst word to use. All of a sudden, the emotion of the evening caught up with him, and Nick felt the inexplicable urge to put his head on Adam’s shoulder and cry.

But then a girl cleared her throat from behind him.

“You can say that again,” said Quinn.


Quinn wondered just how many times life was going to jerk her around today.

She’d have to storm past Nick and Adam to get to the front door, but a sliding glass door led out of the living room. An alcoholic buzz still made her thoughts swim, but she managed to get the lock thrown. She stumbled onto the tiny concrete patio. Cold air bit at her cheeks before Nick caught up to her.

“Stop,” he said. “Quinn, stop, please—”

She swung around and hit him. Rage-filled strikes that slammed into his chest and made her head ache and vision whirl.

She was vaguely aware she was crying, and she had no idea how many times she hit him before he caught her arms and forced her still.

Quinn looked up at him. Her body felt like she was still moving. The stars spun overhead. Her stomach rolled.

“Quinn,” he whispered.

“Nick,” she said back.

And then she threw up on his feet.

He deserved it, but that didn’t make it any less humiliating. She expected him to shove her away in disgust, or to drop her there in her own puke, because she could barely hold herself upright.

But he kicked off his shoes and picked her up.

“I want you to leave me alone,” she said, even as her head lolled onto his shoulder against her will.

“No offense,” he said as he carried her back into the apartment, “but I’m pretty sure you’re as screwed up about what you want as I am.”

o;Are you okay?”

Nick shrugged. He could already feel swelling starting on his jaw, and blood was a bitter taste on the side of his tongue. “It’s not the first time I’ve been hit, and it probably won’t be the last. I’ll be all right.” Gabriel would probably shit a brick when he got home, though.

“He was going to hit me,” said Adam, and there was something like wonder in his voice.

“I’m happy to hit you if you feel like you’re missing out on the full experience.”

“No, just—” Adam hesitated. “Thanks.”

Nick shrugged again, uncomfortable. He wasn’t used to being the rescuer. “I wasn’t trying to fight him. I thought I could talk him down.”

“Still. No one’s ever done that for me.”