She understood Hunter’s surprise. She’d been surprised when Michael had told her what had happened to Hunter—and what he’d done in return.

“No one has ever done something like that for me,” Hunter said, then paused. “The other night, when I went after you—I really didn’t know it was you. I shouldn’t have . . .” He stopped himself. He pushed his hair back from his face and sighed. “I shouldn’t have done what I did. I’m sorry. I just—it’s been so tense, and I wanted to do something. I needed to do something. I wanted to help. I wanted—” He swore. “Forget it. This is stupid. Go sit with your brothers. I can sit out here.”

Hannah didn’t know this part, whatever had happened between Hunter and Chris to spark all this tension—and this apology.

Chris looked at him. “You don’t have to sit out here.”

Hunter’s eyebrows went up.

Chris shrugged a little and looked up at the sky again. “We’ve been up all night. I shouldn’t have been such a jerk.”

Silence fell for a moment. Hannah glanced between them. “Friends again?”

“No,” they both said simultaneously.

“I still don’t trust you,” said Chris. “I’ve seen you screw over my family too many times.”

Hunter nodded. “I know.” He paused. “I won’t do it again.”

“Prove it.”

Hunter held his eyes. “I will.”


The day dragged on.

Hannah didn’t dare tell Michael’s brothers, but the sound of the gunshots still reverberated through her head. The gruesome pictures he’d sent her still waited on her phone. Even now, she couldn’t close her eyes without seeing them.

Layne, Gabriel’s girlfriend, and her little brother, Simon, had joined them at the table half an hour ago. Gabriel had looked so relieved to see them that Hannah had been surprised he didn’t run out to hug them both.

Layne’s father had been with them, but he hadn’t lingered. David Forrest had left his kids at the table, saying he’d be back soon.

And then he’d hustled off.

He’d brought a new level of emotion to the table, though. Where before there’d only been thinly veiled panic, now there was a shred of something like hope.

Gabriel’s hand was linked with Layne’s, identical to the way Nick held on to Adam. He’d leaned into her and whispered, though not quietly, “I can’t believe you got him to help.”

Layne had leaned back into him. “Sometimes he surprises me.”

Simon, who was deaf, had watched this, then made a disgusted noise. He signed something.

Gabriel had smiled thinly. “Whatever.” He’d flicked a pretzel at him.

“What did he say?” Hannah had asked.

“ ‘Get a room.’ ”

And now they were waiting again.

It had been almost twenty-four hours.

When Hannah’s father walked into the cafeteria, she almost did a double take. He was here? He’d been right here in this hospital and he wouldn’t answer her calls?

He didn’t look happy to see her either.

“Hannah. How long have you been here?”