She’d seen Michael and Tyler get shot. She’d seen it.

She’d also seen them get off the ground as if it had all been staged. She’d seen Hunter vanish into a burst of white light and heat. A bomb? But no one else had been injured.

And then there was the earthquake damage.

Or the lack thereof.

She sat on the back of an ambulance and studied the ground, which was slowly going from gray to green as sunlight found blades of grass.

Every mark from the earthquake was gone. No ravines. No cracks. Nothing. The grass itself looked lush and full.

“How are you holding up?”

She looked up to find Irish standing in front of her. “I have no idea how to answer that question.”

“Your boyfriend and his brothers are fine.”

“He’s not my boyfriend. I don’t know what he is.”

“I do.”

She remembered what he’d said when he was holding her, when she was begging for the earthquake to stop. He’s too strong.

“How much do you know?” she said warily.

“Not all of it.” His voice was careful. “I can put together the pieces.”

“How, then? How do you know?”

He hesitated, then glanced around. “That’s not really a conversation for here and now.”

“Were you involved?” she said. “All this time? Were you part of this whole thing?”

“No.” Irish shook his head. He looked aggrieved. “Though I might have known a little more than I was letting on when I encouraged you to listen to your father.”

“Then what are you doing here?” she asked.

“I’ve always told you the truth about that,” he said. He glanced across the grounds, to where Michael was sitting in one ambulance and his brothers were sitting in another. Michael was alone, but his brothers were being checked over.

Michael was watching their interaction, Hannah realized.

She couldn’t look at him.

She looked at Irish instead. “You’ve always told me the truth about bizarre weather events? I don’t think so.”

“About why I’m here. I came looking for a new opportunity.”

“What kind of opportunity?”

He sucked his breath through his teeth. “Again, not a conversation for here and—”

“Yeah, yeah.” She suddenly realized she was so tired of secrets. “Over coffee, then?”

His eyes widened. “You want me to tell you—”

“Everything,” she said. “I want you to tell me everything.”

Michael sat in the back of an ambulance and watched Hannah’s partner approach.