Page 173 of Secret (Elemental 4)

Now, however, he was glad to have a reason to refuse. “I can’t. I told Mike I would babysit.”

Chris smiled. “Sucker. I knew you’d say yes.”

Of course he did. Nick always did what his brothers needed.

Maybe Chris read his darkening mood, because he lost the smile before Nick could say anything. “Well, I said I would ask.” He paused and looked at the wall like something interesting was happening there. He didn’t say anything for a long time, but the air felt heavy, and Nick waited. Chris wasn’t a talker, and when he had something to say, it took him a while to get around to it.

When he finally spoke, his voice was low. “If something is going on, you can tell me. I know you always tell Gabriel everything, but—I’ll keep your secret, too.”

Nick looked at him. He didn’t know what to say.

When Becca’s father had come to town to kill them all, he’d trapped Chris and Nick in a walk-in freezer. Nick’s leg had been broken, and he’d barely been able to move. Just another instance where he wasn’t strong enough to save anyone. Michael and Gabriel had rescued them.

For the first time, Nick realized that Chris hadn’t been able to save himself, either. And Chris might have been a year younger, but he sure as hell wasn’t weak.

Nick had been quiet too long. Chris finally turned away from the wall and met his eyes.

There were too many variables here. Nick worried the tension in his body might rattle it to pieces.

His cell phone buzzed on his nightstand. Nick jumped. He could see the screen lit up with a text message, but he couldn’t see the sender.

Chris was closer. If he looked over, he’d see it.

He didn’t look.

Nick ran a hand through his hair, putting some order to the mess Gabriel had made. “I need to finish getting ready for school.”

Chris nodded. “Me, too.” He hesitated in the doorway. “If you see Quinn, please tell her Becca’s really worried about her.

She’s not responding to her texts or anything.”

Join the club. But at least Nick could offer an explanation for this. “I told Quinn the truth. About us. I think she’s upset that she didn’t learn about it from Becca.”

Chris winced. “That’s not Bec’s fault.”

Nick smiled. “Girls.”

Chris didn’t smile back. “I’ll tell her. See you in the car.”

He was barely out the door before Nick grabbed his phone.

Not Adam. Quinn.

Still alive. I’ve got a ride to school.

Nick sighed and wished he knew how to fix this. He shoved the phone in his pocket and grabbed his backpack.

He was halfway down the steps when he realized what Chris had said.

If you see Quinn.

If. Not when.

I’ll keep your secret, too.

His secret. Not Quinn’s.

It wasn’t enough to be absolutely certain, but Nick could connect the dots. Chris might not know for sure.