Page 87 of Spark (Elemental 2)

“You hungry?” said Michael. His voice was careful but then maybe he was picking up on Gabriel’s mood. “There’s plenty left.”

“Not for long,” said Quinn, and she reached out to pick up a piece of garlic bread.

“I thought you were trying out for the cheer squad,” said Gabriel.

Quinn took a bite. “That’s tomorrow. I didn’t know you cared.”

“I don’t.” He gave her a significant look. “But maybe you want to lay off the carbs.”

She stopped chewing. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

God, what was wrong with him?

Nick’s expression lost any shred of good humor, but he wasn’t angry yet. “Come on. Back off.”

Gabriel shrugged. “Hey, I guess they could put you at the bottom of the pyramid with the sturdy girls ”

“Knock it off,” said Becca.

“Leave her alone,” said Nick. Now they were getting closer to anger.

“You’re an ass**le,” said Quinn. She flung the bread onto the plate. Her eyes looked red.

Great. He could make two girls cry in the span of fifteen minutes.

“So I’ve heard,” said Gabriel. Then he turned and headed back down the hallway, hoping to god there was a protein bar in his backpack.

A chair scraped the floor in the kitchen, the sound full of fury.

Gabriel didn’t wait to see who was coming after him.

But he felt the air change even before his twin caught him by the arm and jerked him around.

Nick looked pissed but puzzled, too. “What is with you?”

“Nothing.” Gabriel shrugged out of his grip and reached to open the front door. “Jesus, Nicky, it’s not my fault she can’t take a ”

Nick grabbed him again and shoved him against the door-jamb. The air temperature dropped another five degrees.

Then he leaned in. “Stop.”

Gabriel glared back at him. “Don’t start this, Nick.”

“I didn’t start anything.” His brother’s voice was low. “What is it? Do you like her or something?”

Gabriel snorted. “Please.” Then he jerked free and shoved Nick away.

Nick shoved him back.

Gabriel went still. He could count on one hand the number of times he and Nick had gotten into it seriously gotten into it.

They were more likely to gang up on Chris than fight each other.

“Don’t start this,” he said again.

“Leave Quinn alone,” said Nick.

“Yeah, whatever.” Gabriel made to move away.