Page 86 of Spark (Elemental 2)

“Get out of my house,” said Mr. Forrest. His words could cut ice.

Gabriel didn’t move. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Layne. “Hey, I’m ”

“Go.” She wasn’t looking at him. “Just go.”

Her dad opened the door. “Now.”

Gabriel dug his keys out of his backpack and pushed past him.

But on the front walk he stopped and turned.

Before he could say a word, her father slammed the door and locked it shut, leaving Gabriel out in the cold.


For the first time, Gabriel was glad Nick would be out with Quinn. Chris would probably be out with Becca, Michael would be working, and Gabriel could just hole up in his room, blast loud music, and set his math book on fire.

But Hunter’s jeep was in the driveway, along with a little four-door sedan he didn’t recognize.

And when Gabriel opened the front door, he was hit with the smell of a home-cooked meal. And the animated sounds of a good conversation.

He almost stepped back on the porch to check the house number.

Nick’s efforts notwithstanding, Gabriel couldn’t remember the last time he’d walked through the door and felt like he was walking into a home.

It practically sounded like a dinner party was going on in the kitchen. Gabriel dropped his backpack in the foyer and headed back.

His brothers were seated around the table, plus Hunter, Becca, and Quinn. Michael didn’t have a laptop in front of him for once. They were all laughing about something; he’d walked in too late to pick up the story. A mostly eaten lasagna was in a pan in the center of the table, plus a platter of garlic bread, the remnants of a tossed salad in a bowl, and assorted side dishes.

His stomach was making a pretty clear case that he hadn’t eaten dinner yet.

But he stopped in the doorway, feeling very far removed from the good times.

“Hey,” said Nick. “Where’ve you been?”

“Out.” Gabriel still didn’t move. “What’s all this?”

“Becca and Quinn made dinner,” said Chris. He gave Gabriel a funny look. “That all right?”

“Out where?” said Michael.

Gabriel ignored him. He looked at his twin. “I thought you were going home with Quinn.”

Nick frowned. “Yeah, and?”

“Home meaning here, dumbass,” said Quinn. “I’ve got my mom’s car.”

Gabriel really couldn’t stand her.

“And I drove Becca over,” said Hunter.

“No one asked you to stay,” said Chris. But even his remark lacked the usual acidity.

Becca smacked him in the shoulder. “I did.”

Gabriel didn’t move from the doorway. Everyone seemed to be getting along just fine.

Without him.