Page 126 of Spark (Elemental 2)

He fished his cell phone out of his pocket to check the time.

JV basketball practice would still be going on, so she was probably in the school somewhere.

“Got a date?” said Hunter.

“Maybe.” He shoved the phone into his pocket and grabbed his bag.

“That’s it? No comment?”

“No comment.” Gabriel swung around and hit him in the chest. “And I am not afraid.”


Gabriel made a disgusted sound and turned for the door.

“So, later,” Hunter called. “If there’s a fire you in or out?”

Out. Out, out, out.

Gabriel pressed his forehead against the cold steel of the door and sighed.



Layne pulled another yearbook off the stack and sighed.

They’d been in the library for an hour, but there were still another thirty minutes left to Simon’s practice. “This is the dumbest research project ever.”

Kara rolled her eyes without looking up from her notebook.

“You’d probably be happier writing about the history of physics, or Marie Antoinette’s biography, or ”

“You know who Marie Antoinette is? ”

“Shut up.”

“Researching something from the school’s past? That’s just lame. There’s no challenge.”

“God, you are such a nerd.” Kara fished lip gloss out of her purse and dabbed it on. “I don’t know why I hang out with you sometimes.”

Me neither. But if Layne didn’t have Kara, she’d be sitting in the library by herself, waiting for her deaf brother to finish basketball practice for a game the coach wouldn’t even let him play.

God, it just sounded pathetic.

“Layne,” Kara hissed. Her nails bright fuchsia today dug into Layne’s wrist.

Layne snapped her head up. “What?”

Kara was staring at the entrance to the library. One of the Merrick twins had just pushed through the doors and was strolling toward the stacks.

Layne sighed. She wanted it to be Nick.

But she’d sat next to Gabriel in class. She’d seen that faded blue henley clinging to his chest and shoulders four hours ago.

“Great,” she muttered.

“He is insanely hot,” whispered Kara. She dabbed more lip gloss on her mouth, to the point where it started to look a little comical. “How do I look?”