Page 10 of Spark (Elemental 2)

“We just had a test last week,” whined Andy Cunningham, rocking back in his chair.

They had. Gabriel hadn’t taken it. He’d traded places with Nick.

“Ms. Anderson?” Taylor raised her hand, her voice dripping with sugar. “I know you’re new here and all, but Mr. Riley doesn’t give pop quizzes.”

“That may be the case, but it’s a nice way for me to see where you all stand. These quizzes won’t go against you,” she said.

“It’s just for my purposes, so I can see what your strengths are.”

Gabriel wiped his palms on his jeans.

He should go to the bathroom and not come back.

Yeah, that would be subtle.

Ms. Anderson stood at the front of each row and started passing out sheets of Xeroxed paper. Two pages, double sided.

Gabriel took a deep breath. He could do this.

He didn’t even have a pencil. He shoved his hand into his backpack. Gum. Car keys. A yellow highlighter. His spare lighter he was tempted to take that to the quiz sitting on his desk.

He glanced up at the sophomore. He’d been sitting next to her for six weeks and had no idea what her name was. She didn’t help things by remaining completely nondescript. Mouse brown hair in a loose braid down her back, simple gray turtleneck, and no-brand jeans. Her features were soft and young and makeup-free behind a pair of glasses.

“Hey, Brainiac,” he said. “Can you hook me up with a pencil?”

She didn’t look up.

“Hey,” he said again.

Were her cheeks turning pink? Whatever, she didn’t look up.

His irritation flared. “Hey,” he said. “Got a pencil, Four-Eyes? What are you, deaf?”

Her head snapped around. “No. And my name isn’t ‘Four-Eyes’ or ‘Brainiac.’” But she flipped her pencil at him, then bent to get another one from her backpack.

He rolled his eyes and looked at the paper.

Question 1. Change 5π/12 radians to degrees.

He had to wipe his hands on his jeans again. He’d go back to that one.

Question 2. Given that sin x = 1⁄4 and x is in Quadrant II, find the exact values of sin2 x and cos2 x.

WTF. He looked at this every day, and it was still like reading Chinese.

He heard something snap.

His pencil. He’d broken another one in half.

Brainiac whipped her head around. What was her problem?

He glared back at his paper. The sub had said it didn’t count.

But he couldn’t exactly hand in a blank test.

He had no idea what they’d do if he failed. What if they asked him to take another one? If they figured out Nick was taking his tests for him, they’d kick him off every team for sure.

They’d tell Michael.