The earth Kindred sat at the bottom of the satchel he’d given to Lysandra before trespassing on the palace grounds. Where was it now?

o;You don’t know nearly as much as you think you do.”

“Are you in love with her?” Magnus’s unpleasant smile stretched wider. “Is that why you risk life and limb again and again for that girl? The type of girl who normally wouldn’t give you a second glance?”

Jonas wouldn’t allow himself to be insulted or intimidated by this evil, murderous snake. “Where is she?”

“Around the palace, I suppose. Doing princess things.”

“If you’ve hurt her in any way, I swear—”

“What? You’ll kill me twice?”

“I’ll do everything I can to make it feel that way.”

“I know we’ve never exactly seen eye to eye, Agallon. But before you cut my throat, I have some very valuable advice for you.”

“What’s that?”

“If you want to get anywhere in this kingdom—and especially with Cleo—killing me is the absolute last thing you should do.”

Jonas barked out a laugh. “Is that so?”

“I know you want my father dead more than anything else. And I’ll let you in on a little secret . . . so do I.”

Jonas struggled to maintain his steady grip. “Liar.”

“My father wanted the princess dead, but I chose to keep her alive. That’s treason, Agallon. And one day very soon he’ll arrive here and demand my head for defying him. Gaius Damora is still a relatively young man. He has plenty of time to spawn a new heir to take my place.”

The prince’s claims sounded absolutely ludicrous. Was Jonas really expected to believe that Magnus had defied his father and saved Cleo from death? “If all that’s true, then why are you here at the Limerian palace, playing king on your daddy’s throne?”

“I’m standing in as the man in charge, which is within my rights while my father’s away. I figured this would look much better than if I were to disappear and go into hiding. So here I am, waiting for the King of Blood to return so we can finally face each other, ruthless father against disappointing son. The wait has given me a lot of time to think. And what I’ve realized is that my father has done many evil things—to you, to me, to virtually everyone who’s crossed his path—that can never be forgiven. He deserves death, not a golden throne and a bright future.”

Jonas grappled to maintain both his concentration and his grip on the sword. “Even if I believed you, which I don’t, what difference does it make to me? Why should I care about any of your royal problems?”

“Because we both hate the king. And because you and I shouldn’t be enemies anymore.” Magnus held Jonas’s gaze steadily. “We should be allies.”

Now Jonas had to laugh, the suggestion was so ridiculous. “How convenient for you to make such a suggestion while I have a sword to your throat.”

“You and I don’t exactly get many opportunities to talk,” Magnus countered. “Now put down your sword and join me inside the palace where we can discuss our plans.”

Jonas was in the perfect position. He had the opportunity to kill the Prince of Blood, to strike a serious blow against King Gaius that would damage him deeply. But if Magnus was being truthful, if he’d committed treason against his father and was patiently awaiting his wrath, then if Jonas were to kill him, he’d be worse off than he was before. Then the king could easily persecute Jonas as the killer of both Prince Magnus and Queen Althea.

The bounty on his head would quadruple.

“I have friends watching,” Jonas said slowly, inwardly kicking himself for leaving Lysandra and Olivia behind in the village. “If you try anything, anything, they’ll put an arrow in you.”

“Understood.” Magnus held his hands out to either side of him, showing that he wasn’t going to reach for any weapons. “So, what do you say? Truce?”

“I wonder, would you show me any mercy if our positions were reversed?”

“If I thought you could help me, I certainly would.”

“If I find out that Cleo’s been mistreated in any way, I will kill you.”

“I assure you she’s fine.” Then Magnus nodded sagely. “I can see that it’s true what the princess says about you, Agallon. You’re a great leader who cares about others more than yourself. You’ve changed a lot over these last few months, haven’t you?”

Had Cleo really said that about him?