Magnus understood as little about this situation as Cleo did. The boy had been tied up and left under a guard’s supervision. A guard who’d been instructed to kill him if he caused any problems.

Magnus decided right then and there to stop underestimating Nicolo Cassian.




Nic fought through the thick fog of unconsciousness, struggling through a tangle of dreams and nightmares to find his way back into the waking world. After what felt like an eternity, he finally opened his eyes.

The potion-induced sleep hadn’t been like a normal slumber. It had been heavier, deeper, and he imagined that it was exactly what death felt like.

But he was still alive. For now, anyway.

And he had one hell of a headache.

He pushed himself up and found that he was lying on a cot in a small, dark room. He made his way over to a window to his right, and, ignoring the spinning in his head, gasped at the scene outside. Dark water—as far as the eye could see—under a black curtain of night.

“We’re on our way to Limeros,” a low voice said.

He spun around to find Ashur standing in the shadows. Without a single thought, Nic attacked. He tried to land a blow on the prince’s perfect face, but Ashur grabbed Nic’s arm and twisted it behind his back hard enough to make Nic gasp in pain.

“Be quiet, you fool,” Ashur growled. “She’ll hear you.”

“You’re going to break my arm.”

“Not if you stay quiet.”


Ashur held on for a moment longer before he released Nic, who then turned around and punched him in the jaw. The prince whipped his head to the side, but didn’t try to retaliate. He rubbed his chin, grimacing. “I deserved that.”

Nic glared at him, his fist aching and still clenched . “I’m going to kill you.”

“No, you won’t. Not after you hear me out.”

“Hear you out?” Nic shouted. “Why? Do you have more lies you want to tell me?”

Ashur pressed his hand against Nic’s mouth and shoved him back against the wall, his expression fierce and angry. “If she knows you’re awake and making trouble, she’ll have someone put you back to sleep. Permanently, if she gets her way. You’re only alive now because I convinced her we need you.”

Nic shoved his hand away. “How helpful. Thanks so much.” This time, however, he kept his tone low, barely louder than a whisper.

Ashur nodded. “That’s better.”

“I aim to please.”

“I know you hate me.”

“You deceived me, drugged me, and threw me on a ship against my will. I think I have every good reason to hate you. I would have handed King Gaius your arse on a platter if I’d known what you were really like.”

“My sister is ambitious. We’d never shared any of the same interests until recently. I’ve always been more of an explorer than her, and my explorations led me to the legends of Mytica. I found myself fascinated by them, enough to come here personally to investigate.”

Nic stared at him, exasperated. “Are you going to tell me your full life history? Seems I have time to hear it, doesn’t it, locked up here on this ship?”

Ashur regarded him bemusedly and sat down in a nearby chair. It was the only piece of furniture in the room other than the uncomfortable cot Nic had gotten to know very well. “You need to hear this because it’ll help you make your decision.”

“What decision?”