“You don’t have to. This is amazing, Lucia.”

“Yes . . .” Lucia’s brow furrowed and her eyes brightened. “The air crystal shall be awakened here, in the wake of a tornado that swept across this location. Air, hear me. I awaken you.”

The air symbol—a spiral—branded itself upon the location.

Earth and air, Cleo thought. For so long she’d waited, and now everything was happening so quickly.

“Princess,” Alexius said, watching Lucia with concern. “Be careful. You are expending more magic than I thought you would need to, and it could hurt you. Let’s stop for today.”

“No. This is my destiny.” Lucia’s eyes blazed with light. “I can do this. I am doing it. We shall find the Kindred. All four crystals will be returned to the Sanctuary, and my prophecy will be fulfilled. And all of this struggle will be over. I will be free. Please, let me continue.”

She didn’t wait for permission. The map shifted again as the spinning ring moved along the bright line of the road, east into Paelsia, near the Forbidden Mountains.

“This,” she began, her voice becoming hoarse, “is where Magnus fought against the rebels. A road camp . . . where there was a massive fire. Fire is the Kindred that can be awakened here . . .” She frowned as she trailed off. “Wait. It’s so odd. . . .”

Cleo studied the map, which had closed in on a section of land that looked to be smoldering and smoking. A symbol had already been etched into the map’s light. A triangle.


“It’s different here. I feel that this crystal has already been awakened.” Lucia shook her head. “But that’s impossible, isn’t it?”

“Of course it’s impossible.” Alexius studied the map with a concerned expression. “Princess, this could be a sign that your magic is growing weak—”

“Fire,” Lucia said, ignoring him. “I awaken you. I awaken the fire Kindred here in this chosen place of power.”

Three crystals. Cleo couldn’t believe it. But it was true: Three crystals had been awakened, ready to be claimed.

“One more,” Lucia whispered, her voice weaker now, though her eyes were as bright as tiny suns. “I can do this.”

“Lucia.” Alexius reached for her and grasped her wrist. “This is too much for you.”

“You’re wrong.” She tried to pull away, but failed. “I’m strong enough!”

“Yes, you’re strong. But this is enough for now. I insist.”

Cleo watched as Alexius’s hand began to glow. Lucia drew in a ragged breath, finally breaking her concentration. The purple light in her eyes faded as she turned a furious look upon Alexius. But then, the next moment, she collapsed in his arms, unconscious.

The ring stopped spinning and its magical light went out.

The map disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place.

“You did that,” Cleo said, her voice hushed. “You stopped her.”

Alexius glanced at her. “She was harming herself, pushing herself too far. I couldn’t let that happen.”

Lucia began to rouse. She blinked and looked up at Alexius, who cradled her in his arms. “How long was I asleep?”

“Only moments. And before you ask: No, we will not be trying again today.”

“But we were so close! The water crystal—”

“Can wait until I deem it’s time to do this spell again,” he said, more sternly than any tutor Cleo had ever had.

Cleo leaned over and picked up her ring. She held it tightly as they all rose to their feet, Alexius assisting Lucia. She wanted to pinch herself, to know for sure that this had really happened, that it hadn’t only been a dream.

Earth, air, fire. She knew where they were and how to claim them.

Three out of four wasn’t bad at all.