Lucia nodded, pressing her face into Cleo’s shoulder. “I want to.”

This princess was the most powerful creature who currently lived and breathed. And Lucia’s magic—aided by this ring—was essential to getting Cleo’s throne back.

The key to destroying the King of Blood was his very own daughter.


usand years after her death, the sorceress shall be reborn as a mortal beyond the Sanctuary’s veil. Once awakened, her magic will reveal the hidden treasure sought by both mortals and immortals alike.

Eva had been killed by her greedy sisters, Cleiona and Valoria, who’d stolen the Kindred and used its power to become goddesses.

That was a thousand years ago

A sorceress reborn—one who could harness all four parts of elementia with ease.

“There’s something strange about that girl.” Her attendant Helena had been speaking with her sister only two days after Cleo’s return from the wedding tour, not realizing Cleo could hear them. “The princess was tutored by a witch.”

“A witch?”

“The king chose the witch himself for the task, but now I think she’s dead. I saw her before they took her away. Her face was filled with fear. She whispered about fire and ice. She believed Princess Lucia to be evil.” Servants did gossip about the most fantastical things. Yet Lucia had set the library alight. . . .

“Magic,” Cleo whispered. “Is that what you were doing that day, Lucia?”

Was the gossip of servants true this time?

Eva’s ring—the sorceress’s ring—had glowed when Cleo touched Lucia. It hadn’t done that with anyone else. Only with the stone wheel, said to be connected to the Watchers.

There had to be more to this.

Cleo moved through the labyrinthine hallways toward Lucia’s chambers. No one stopped her. No one even noticed her. What are you even thinking, you fool? she chastised herself as her steps quickened. You believe the King of Blood’s daughter—Magnus’s sister—could be the sorceress reborn?

At the door to Lucia’s chamber, Cleo came to a halt. Her heart pounded loud in her ears as she raised her clenched fist and knocked. Then she waited.

But there was no response. Perhaps Lucia wasn’t here. Just before Cleo turned away, she heard something from within the room.

Someone was crying.

Summoning her courage, Cleo grabbed the handle of the door and turned it, pushing forward on the heavy oak barrier to peer inside.

Princess Lucia stood facing the open balcony, her hair a ravenblack spill down her back. Her shoulders shook with her sobs— heart-wrenching, pain-filled sobs.

Cleo’s own heart ached at the sound of it.

Before she realized it, she had entered the room and moved closer to Lucia, reaching out to grasp the girl’s shoulder.

Lucia spun around, her eyes flashing with surprise.

Cleo gasped and her breath froze in the air before her. It was so cold in the room—like the gardens of the Limerian palace.

“I killed her.” Lucia’s voice broke on the words.

Cleo’s gaze dropped to what the princess held in her arms. It was a small brown rabbit, coated in frost and solid as a block of ice.

“What did you do?” she whispered.

“I didn’t mean to. I picked Hana up. Holding her makes me happy, makes me think of home. And I thought of the ice sculptures during Winter Festival, of mermaids, dragons, chimeras . . . so cold, so perfect. And—and my thoughts . . . they were enough to do this. She’s dead and it’s my fault!”

Conjuring ice . . . it was water magic. Powerful water magic.