The edge of a grin appeared on his lips. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Wait—no. No!” What a horrible suggestion she’d just made! What was she thinking? “There will be too many guards—it’s far too risky. It’s not worth it.”

“You can’t take back your words that easily. This—it’s an incredible idea. I should have thought of it myself. Of course, the wedding! The Temple of Cleiona . . . the crowds will all be outside distracting the guards. Inside . . . it’s the perfect opportunity to assassinate the king and the prince. We remove the king and his heir. We take control. Paelsia is freed from oppression. And you could have your throne back by nightfall.”

She could barely breathe.

Assassinate the king and the prince.

Well, of course, Magnus would have to die as well. He was next in line to his father’s throne. “You really think this could work?”

His grin widened. “Yes, I do.”

“You’re mad.”

“Hey, you’re the one who suggested it, your highness. Perhaps we’re both mad.” His gaze swept the length of her. “Such ruthlessness in such a petite package. Who would have guessed it?”

This was truly insane. But what other choice did they have? Sometimes to regain sanity, one must acknowledge and embrace the madness.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get my throne back,” she said.

At that moment, she meant every single word.

“Then we’re in agreement. It’s time for my rebels to make a decisive stand, even one that comes with great risk. I will be at your wedding, invitation or not. And the king and the prince will both fall beneath my blade.” He raised an eyebrow. “The only question is, can I trust you to say nothing of this plan?”

Her heart raced like a wild thing. “I swear on my father’s and sister’s souls I will say nothing.”

He nodded. “Then I suppose it’s time for you to go back to the palace.”

Silently, they left the cave and made their way through the dark forest until they came upon the guards’ camp. They had a large fire lit—the sight and scent of it noticeable even at a distance. No reason to hide from predators when these men were the worst and most dangerous this forest currently had to offer.

From the corner of her eye, she saw a hawk—was it the same one from earlier?—take perch in a nearby tree.

Jonas drew Cleo to a halt. “I still don’t like this.”

“I don’t like it much, either. But I need to go.”

When his gaze locked with hers she remembered their kiss all too clearly. Her lips still tingled from it. They stood for a moment, not speaking.

“Be ready on your wedding day,” he said. “Ten days from now everything changes forever. You understand?”

She nodded. “I understand.”

Jonas squeezed her hand and finally let her go. With a last look, she turned from him and walked confidently into the guards’ camp.

Chapter 16




Just before dawn, Queen Althea left the safety of the palace to emerge into the warm night air. She wore a commoner’s cloak to hide her identity, just as she’d done a handful of times before. No one would ever guess who she really was.

The witch was also cloaked and waiting in the usual spot. Althea approached her, heart pounding.

A necessary evil. I’m only doing what I must.