“Never mind, I suppose. I apologize; I’m sure I’m imagining things.”

Despite the queen’s unpleasantness and lack of visible emotion toward her daughter, she had a great deal of influence over Lucia. She’d drummed it into her daughter’s head that being dutiful, being polite, and looking neat and polished were the main qualities a true princess should cultivate.

Also, that Sabina Mallius was evil incarnate.

Queen Althea was threatened by the king’s mistress living side by side with the rest of them all these years, even if she would rather cut out her own tongue than admit such a thing.

“Are you certain that everything’s all right, my dear?” Sabina asked. “You look terribly upset.”

“Do I?” Lucia had to work harder on her mask of indifference. Her brother had his perfectly formed, but her emotions still played on her face more than they should. Emotions could be used against her.

Emotions could trigger the strange . . . happenings that had been swirling around her lately like the beginnings of an ice storm.

“I’m searching for Magnus,” Lucia said. “I want to talk to him when he returns from the hunt.”

Although she was no longer sure she would tell him her secret quite yet. First she wanted to discuss the matter of him running off any boy who showed romantic interest in her.

“They’re back,” Sabina replied. “I saw them from my window approaching the castle only minutes ago. What do you want to talk to Magnus about?”

Lucia tensed. “Nothing that would interest you.”

Sabina looked closely at her. “I want you to know something, dear. And I mean it from the very bottom of my heart.”

“What’s that?”

“If you feel like there’s no one you can confide in, know that you can come to me.” Sabina studied her face as if searching for some hidden answer. “Anything, Lucia. Anything at all. You’re a young woman now, and the changes you’re experiencing must be very difficult for you. I can help. Even if those changes might seem unusual or...frightening.”

Lucia inhaled sharply. It was as if Sabina knew her secret without ever being told. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Sabina’s eyes narrowed a fraction. “The worst thing is to have a horrible secret that you fear could be dangerous but no one to share it with. No one to trust. Do you understand?”

Lucia stared at her, mouth dry, unspeaking.

Sabina pulled her closer and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Because some of us share the same dangerous secret, Lucia. And I assure you it’s nothing to fear. I can help you when you need me. And you will need me.”

The same secret.

This was an opportunity right here to tell this woman everything. To unburden her soul of her strange discoveries. Of her strange new abilities.

But the words would not form on her tongue. She was not so stupid as to blurt out the truth to just anyone, no matter what they might say to coax it from her. “If there’s anything I need to share, I promise to seek you out.”

A muscle under Sabina’s right eye twitched, almost imperceptibly. But then she nodded. “Very well, then. I’ll see you at dinner, dear.”

Lucia began to walk away from Sabina, forcing herself not to speed her steps. Likely, she mistook Sabina’s meaning. The woman couldn’t possibly know what was wrong with her. And the thought that Sabina might have the same strange abilities that had surfaced for her...

Impossible. There would have been some indication before this that Sabina was different.

No, Lucia had held her tongue and would continue to do so.

Sabina was right about one thing. Her father and Magnus had returned from the hunt. They were taking off their muddy boots in the foyer, a cylindrical room that had a ceiling as high as the entire castle itself. The smooth stone staircase cut into the cold stone wall, spiraling down to the main floor from the upper levels. Lucia quietly descended these stairs, keeping her brother directly in her sights. Despite the distractions she’d had since entering the castle, her anger toward Magnus hadn’t decreased even a fraction.

A messenger approached her father and handed him a letter. The king sliced the envelope open and quickly read it.

His brow raised. “Excellent,” Lucia heard him say.

“What is it?” Magnus asked.

“Chief Basilius has officially agreed to join forces with Limeros. He likes my plan.” His jaw tensed. “And he was deeply honored by my sacrifice.”