“It’s Father.” Her blue eyes flicked up to meet his. “You’re angry with him.”

“And you think I imagined his neck in place of the stem of the glass like many of his subjects might?”

“Did you?” She pressed down firmly on his hand to help stop the flow of blood.

“I’m not angry with him. More like the other way around. He hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you. He loves you.”

“Then he would be the only one.”

A smile lit up her expression. “Oh, Magnus. Don’t be silly. I love you. More than anyone else in the whole world. You must know that, don’t you?”

It felt as if someone had punched a hole through his chest and taken hold of his heart to squeeze it tightly. He cleared his throat and looked down at his hand. “Of course. And I love you too.”

The words felt thick on his tongue. Lies always slid smooth as silk for him, but the truth was never quite so easy.

How he felt for Lucia was only the love of a brother for his sister.

That lie did feel smooth. Even when he told it to himself.

“There,” she said, patting the bandage she’d wrapped around his hand. “All better.”

“You really should be a healer.”

“I don’t think our parents would consider that an occupation befitting a princess.”

“You’re absolutely right. They wouldn’t.”

Her hand was still on his. “Thank the goddess you weren’t hurt worse than this.”

“Yes, thank the goddess,” he said dryly before his lips curved. “Your devotion to Valoria puts my own to shame. Always has.”

She looked at him sharply, but her smile remained. “I know you think such strong beliefs in the unseen are silly.”

“I’m not sure I’d use the word silly.”

“Sometimes you need to try to believe in something bigger than yourself, Magnus. Something you can’t see or touch. To allow your heart to have faith no matter what. It’s what will give you strength in troubled times.”

He watched her patiently. “If you say so.”

Lucia’s smile widened. His pessimism had always amused her. They’d had this discussion many times before. “One day you’ll believe. I know you will.”

“I believe in you. Isn’t that enough?”

“Then I guess I should set a good example for my dear brother.” She leaned forward and brushed her lips against his cheek. His breath ceased completely for a moment. “I must return to the banquet. After all, it is supposed to be in my honor. Mother will be angry if I just disappear and never return.”

He nodded and touched his bandage. “Thank you for saving my life.”

“Hardly. But try to be careful with your temper while around breakable things.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

She gave him a last grin and hurried back into the great hall.

Magnus remained where he was for several more minutes, listening to the buzz of conversation of the crowd of nobles at the banquet. He couldn’t seem to summon the energy or interest to go back in there. If anyone asked him tomorrow, he’d simply say that loss of blood had made him ill.

He did feel ill. The way he felt about Lucia was wrong. Unnatural. And it was growing by the day even though he fought to ignore it. For a whole year he’d barely been able to look at any other noble girl—now at a time when his father was pressing him to choose a future wife.