“You did?” Lucia gave her a look of sheer disbelief.

“Yes, of course. Something so important shouldn’t have come as a shock to you. I apologize for that.”

“You do?”

“I do. Truly. Even though I am queen here, I still must do as the king commands. He didn’t want you to know. He was afraid you’d be upset when you learned the truth before it was the right time.”

“I am upset! Where is my real mother? How can I find her?”

Again, the queen cast a glance down the hallway as if fearful that anyone was listening. This was a secret, after all. Goddess forbid that anyone learn that the Limerian princess was born in Paelsia.

“She’s dead.”

Lucia’s breath caught. “How did she die?”

The queen’s lips thinned. “Sabina killed her.”

“Why would she do such a horrible thing?” Nausea rose inside her.

“Because Sabina Mallius was a vile, evil bitch who deserved her fate.”

Lucia fought to breathe normally, uncertain what to believe. The world had been shaken all around her and would never settle completely again. “Why did Father keep Sabina around so long after she did this?”

The queen’s expression soured further. “Other than her obvious charms? He also saw her as a wise advisor. One who could help him get what he most wants in life. Power.”

“That’s why I was taken at the cost of my birth mother’s life.” Her throat closed. “Because he thought I could help him to become more powerful.”

“Your birth was heralded in the stars. Somehow, some way, Sabina found out where you were. At the time, I was trying to have another child but failing. My body had been devastated by miscarriages. So to be presented with a lovely little girl that I could raise as my own and no one would know the difference...well, I didn’t ask for details. I simply accepted everything.”

Lucia felt faint, but she forced herself to appear as strong as possible. “If you were so happy to get the chance to raise me, why is it that you can barely look at me? Why have you never said a kind word to me?”

“Of course I have.” But then her brows drew together as if she doubted her own words. “I don’t know. I never realized that I was hurting you. My own mother was a cruel and . . . cold woman. Perhaps I took after her more than I . . . more than I realized. But it wasn’t on purpose, Lucia. I love both you and your brother.”

“He’s not my brother,” Lucia said quietly. She’d tried not to think about what happened in Magnus’s chambers. The feel of his mouth on hers, demanding what she couldn’t give in return. The devastated look on his face when she’d pushed him away...

“Family is the most important thing in the world,” the queen said firmly. “It’s what you have left when everything else falls apart. And you do have a family. Your father is so very proud of you.”

“I don’t know how he can be proud of me. I killed Sabina.” Her gaze flicked to the queen. “Is that why you’re being so kind to me today? Are you afraid of what I can do?”

The queen’s pale bluish-gray eyes widened a fraction. “I could never fear you, daughter. I admire you. I see what a strong and beautiful woman you’re growing up to be. And I am awed by what you’re capable of now.”

Lucia’s stomach clenched. “I killed her, Mother. I crushed her against the wall and then I set her on fire.”

Something slid behind the queen’s gaze, something cold and dark. “I’m glad she’s dead. And I’m glad she suffered. I celebrate her death.”

Her words chilled Lucia. “Death is not something to celebrate.”

Queen Althea looked away and changed the subject.

“Your father wants to see you right now. I was on my way to your chambers to tell you. He has something very important to discuss with you. Go to him. Now.”

The queen left the alcove and continued on down the hallway without a backward glance. Lucia watched her walk away.

Then she went directly to her father’s meeting hall, where lately he spent most of his waking hours.

“Come in, Lucia,” her father called as she pushed open the large doors. She entered to find that her father wasn’t alone. Magnus was with him. Her chest tightened at the sight of him.

He wasn’t looking at her. He stood by the wall, his gaze fixed on the king. Magnus had spent a great deal of time with their father since the king arrived back from Auranos. She had no idea how he’d reacted to Magnus’s admitted failure during the trip leading to the deaths of two guards. She wished she knew the whole story. Magnus had been so upset when he returned.