Her gaze snapped to his. “If I do agree to try this, will you do something for me?”


“Tell me why Father would join forces with Chief Basilius to conquer Auranos. Will there be war?”

He’d seen Lucia on the stairway when the king had received the message from the Paelsian leader. It was dangerous information for a sixteen-year-old girl to know, but before long she would have learned anyway. It seemed as if Amia was not the only girl in this castle skilled at eavesdropping.

“Will there be war?” Magnus repeated. “That’s what Father wants. We’ll have to wait and see where all his planning and scheming with Chief Basilius will ultimately lead. But you don’t have to worry about that.” He stroked the long, silky dark hair off her face. “Let’s practice your magic now. You must master it so I know you’ll be safe.”

“Thank you, brother.” Lucia went up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips softly against his before she gave him another fierce hug. “What would I ever do without you?”

Magnus’s lips burned from her kiss and his heart felt as if it had been set ablaze—just like the witch once had been. “I hope we’ll never have to find out.”

Theon Ranus had experienced anger, grief, sadness, and desire many times. But not fear.

Theon Ranus had experienced anger, grief, sadness, and desire many times. But not fear.

Not until today.

“The princess isn’t in her room. She’s nowhere to be found!” The maid’s cry quickened his steps as he made his way down the hall, the maid who was supposed to be stationed outside Princess Cleo’s room during the hours that Theon slept and couldn’t keep watch over her.

Cold fear crashed over him.

He knew immediately where she’d gone. She’d done exactly what she’d threatened. She’s escaped the palace to go on her journey to Paelsia. Even after he’d refused to accompany her, she’d gone anyway.

Foolish girl. Strong-willed, foolish girl.

It was as if his heart had been wrenched from his chest. Then, close on the heels of his fear for her safety, came a hot line of rage that she’d do this, blatantly ignoring his warnings.

The king had to be told. And Theon knew he had to be the one to deliver the news that Cleo and Nic had disappeared from the palace.

That was when he began to feel another glimmer of fear. This time for himself.

“How could you let this happen?” the king raged, his face bright red with anger.

Theon had no worthy answer. He knew Cleo wanted to do this. He knew she was stubborn and single-minded when it came to her sister’s fading health. He should have anticipated this.

“I’ll go to Paelsia myself and search for her.”

“Damn right you will.” There were dark shadows beneath the king’s eyes as if he hadn’t slept well. He looked much older than his forty-odd years today. “Of all the things I need to concern myself with, this only troubles me more. You were supposed to keep her safe. You failed me.”

Theon could argue that he couldn’t be by Cleo’s side all the hours of the day or night apart from sleeping in the princess’s bed with her, but he held his tongue and studied the floor obediently. King Corvin was not a cruel king, but he doled out punishment when necessary. Failing an assignment to keep the princess safe was not something that could go unanswered.

Why would she ever do something so foolhardy as this?

Even he didn’t have to think too far on the subject. She did it because she was absolutely convinced that she could save her sister’s life by chasing after the legend of an exiled Watcher. Breaking every rule to save Princess Emilia was both idiotic...and brave. Pure-hearted and courageous. Only Cleo would do such a thing, Theon thought.

“I’ll leave immediately,” he said, his eyes still lowered. “With your permission I’ll take a few more men.”

“No more than two. We don’t want to draw attention to this embarrassing situation.”

“Yes, your majesty.”

When the king didn’t say anything else, Theon looked up to see that his face was now more pale and haunted than angry.

“Sometimes I feel as if I’m cursed,” he said softly. “A slow, hungry curse that has worked its way across my entire life, stripping me of everything I love.” He paused, his brow furrowing. “I met a witch once...in my youth. She was very beautiful.”

Theon was surprised at the seeming non sequitur. “A witch? A real one?”